Yogo Isao

One of the 3 triplets born to Doji Gorou and Yogo Mayuki, Isao is a bit of a flirt. He loves a good dalliance. He enjoys being on his knees with his mouth around another man's dick and he's unapologetic about it. He tends to stick to ronin and jiisamurai though, because he's also well-aware of his family curse to betray the ones he loves.   So, imagine his surprise when a ronin he was getting frisky with got outed as the second prince, Toturi Natsu, playing pauper.   Isao nearly lost his mind, and tried desperately to never encounter him again. Natsu, on the other hand, didn't like being jilted after a fun affair, and Isao and his family ended up with an invitation to Winter Court on the year that the supernatural occurrences were going on. He was certain Prince Natsu got him in one of them. He was also certain when he wasn't in one of them that the second prince was stalking him. He did all he could to hide, but it was a losing game.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Homosexual Submissive