Yogo Kohaku

Kohaku was born without color. Her skin was porcelain, her eyes were pink-red, and her hair was white. At first, her parents worried over her. She was kept in palanquins and indoors, and a tutor was brought in for her instruction. She was the third of her family, after her brother, Ichigo, and her sister, Kana. She had few responsibilities but to live, and at first, they were unsure if that would be her fate. Her mother and father frequently prayed to the Fortunes and Kami for her safety, but when Kohaku showed signs of being blessed by the Kami, worry turned to pride and fortune.   Those born with the gift and white hair were always Ishiken, and those were rare outside the Phoenix clan. Even though she grew stronger by the day, her family decided to keep Kohaku sheltered. An Ishiken under the Scorpion clan's protection would be a boon. They proudly informed their Clan Champion and family Daimyo of their fortune, and were gifted one of the finest teachers. Kohaku's family was distant from the Family Daimyo--while she technically bears the Yogo name, her parents have never spoken outside of her introduction to their Familial overlord. They are beneath notice, for one reason, or another. Old secrets nobody wants to talk about, or perhaps just caution--the Yogo family has a tendency not to be as familial as other Scorpion.   Kohaku knows her parents, and her siblings, but she is closest with her teacher, and even that relationship is closely monitored. Nobody wants to be the bearer of the curse of treachery from a Shugenja--much less one who speaks so easily to the Kami.



Sheltered but well educated, Kohaku is best described as intellectually naive. She can recite names and faces, and pays proper attention to the rites and rituals of greetings and formalities, but has no real knowledge of the world outside. She's friendly enough and excited about everything she encounters, but she's not particularly gullible, either. She's a scorpion that has lived her life mostly as a pet. She is still quite dangerous, but doesn't much look it.


Kohaku is closest with her Shikigami, of which there are 6. The loss of one would be devastating, and she may become inconsolable and useless in the presence of great tragedy, as she's never experienced any particularly devastating emotional lows. As her closest relationships are with creatures spiritually connected to her, she sometimes forgets that other humans are not that way, failing to inform them of things she is thinking or doing unless directly asked. She's got a sense of humor that is somewhat... creepy. A lot of jokes revolve around dark subjects, and she's particularly fond of telling people she's heartlessly killed a family member when asked about the Yogo family curse--of course, she hasn't. She believes in the curse, but she also believes in struggling against fate. If it will have her, it will have to take her kicking.


Family Ties

Kohaku's mother and father, Yogo Matsume and Oruha, are distant but loving figures. The family interactions are primarily with the help--Hennin nannies and servants spend more time around the children than the parents do, but the sentiment that the family feels is not unclear around the Dinner Tables. Loyalty, pride, and love are all present--within constraints. It is expected that every member of the family uphold the Scorpion clan's honor, and there is not a hall you can walk through that does not remind you that the Yogo sacrificed greatly for the perseverance of this clan, and are as much necessary as any other of the Scorpion families--if not moreso, in times of need.

Social Aptitude

Kohaku is friendly, and well taught to be courteous. She can manage a courtly setting with ease, as she has attended many at her family's estates, but when faced with larger horizons and newer faces, she gets lost in her excitement. Kohaku wants to see the world she's read about in scrolls and books, experience the grand tales she's acted out in plays in the confines of her room. This comes through in her interactions all too easily. But make no mistake--Kohaku is a Scorpion, and lying is second nature--as much a part of her as the voice she uses to speak to the Kami.


Mizu - The Water Butterfly

Friendly and helpful, Mizu is more learned than even Kohaku. The Shikigami has spent many a night in the books, and she'd prefer to heal rather than fight, though fight she can. Mizu sometimes takes the form of an animal other than a Butterfly through the spell Ever-Changing Waves, liking to be carried about and pampered.  

Chikyu - The Earth Butterfly

Chikyu is stalwart and reasonable. He is slow to anger and a tactician above all else.  

Kajida - The Fire Butterfly

Kajida is... fiesty. Angry? The "Fight Me" meme, if they were a butterfly. They tend toward big displays, and sometimes fire off sparks to cause a commotion. It's also not unheard of for this little Shikigami to draw a sword and charge in, so Kohaku pays attention to them.  

Kuki - The Air Butterfly

Kuki is a reconnaissance butterfly. Investigative, curious, and tricky, Kuki loves a good eavesdropping. She frequently will place herself on one of the hairpins in Kohaku's hair, blending in with the other butterfly-themed clips and paper fans there. She's the most likely of the group to wander off on her own.  

Gisei - The First Butterfly

Gisei holds a prestigious title of first, and oldest, of the Shikigami. This comes with its drawbacks, though. Gisei is less polished than the others, less powerful, but he is the most comforting and protective of Kohaku.  

Hiretsukan - The Mean Butterfly

Hiretsukan's name is more a title than a proper name. When they came into existence, they tended to call Kohaku names and be very difficult to control. They still sometimes are. Like Kajida, Hiretsukan is a fighter, but a little less reckless and a lot more tricky. Hiretsukan doesn't get along as well with the group, but they do regard them as family, and family must be taken care of--even if they are stupid.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis Female


Large, pink-red eyes
White, long and curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, albino