
Born a Ronin, Yugoro was a potent swordsman before he died and a man of character who travelled far and wide across the Empire for stories to gather and share. How he died, he can't remember; he does remember waking up in the Realm of Thwarted destiny, though. The middling punishment realm for people who weren't supposed to die the way they did, that the Celestial Order couldn't quite figure out.
  So, as usual, he started moving. He ran into Genmei and Miya, and they began the long and arduous task of finding their way back to Ningen-do. None of them thought this was what they deserved, and spirits had certainly made it back before, so why not them?
  Why not them, indeed.
  They did make it back, before Miya was unceremoniously ripped from their side for a few, unclear, moments. She was returned to them in a strange outfit of jade with a certain aura about her that screamed divinity, and when pressed, confusedly informed them both that she was now the Fortune of Heroes--though she didn't know how or why.
  They wouldn't learn the truth of her best friend's efforts until much later, but it became one of Yugoro's favorite stories to tell the young dragons as they grew. They returned to the Dragon family mountains to find Genmei's brother the new Clan Champion, and both he and Miya were immediately given the Togashi name at Genmei's request. They rarely stay in one place now, but the three of them have a life on Ningen-do about four times as long as any normal human, so Yugoro is enjoying watching the kids grow up







Family Ties


Social Aptitude