Aetherite-Affected Creature Template

A Template for unique Rolaran monsters

Using this Template

In the world of Rolara, the eruption of Mount Origin has led to a fascinating and unpredictable phenomenon - the creation of Aetherite-Affected Creatures. These creatures, once ordinary inhabitants of the mountain or nearby regions, have been transformed by their exposure to the potent Aetherite Crystals. These crystals, which grow at nodes of immense natural magic, have imbued the creatures with new abilities and characteristics, making them unique entities in the world.   The Aetherite-Affected Creatures are not just mere beasts or monsters. They are a testament to the raw, untamed power of Aetherite and the profound effects it can have on the natural world. Their existence challenges the norms of nature and magic, and they serve as a constant reminder of the eruption that changed the world.   As a Dungeon Master, you have the opportunity to bring these extraordinary creatures to life in your campaign. The Aetherite-Affected Creature Template provides a comprehensive guide to help you create these creatures, complete with new abilities, characteristics, and potential challenges for your players to face. Whether it's a creature that has gained an extra limb, one that radiates an aura of evocation magic, or one that has developed a sensitivity to Aetherite, the possibilities are endless.   Remember, the Aetherite-Affected Creatures are more than just adversaries for your players. They are a part of the world's lore, a consequence of a significant event, and a source of countless stories and adventures. Use the template to create creatures that will not only challenge your players but also enrich the narrative of your campaign.  

Aetherite-Affected Creature Template

  1. Name: The creature's name is followed by "(Aetherite-Affected)".
  3. Type: The creature's type gains the "Aberration" subtype.
  5. Abilities: The creature gains the following abilities:
    • Aetherite Empowerment: The creature's Intelligence score is altered by 1d8-4 due to the unpredictable effects of the Aetherite.
    • Aetherite Resilience: The creature gains immunity to force damage as the Aetherite energy reinforces its physical form.
    • Aetherite Magic: The creature gives off an aura of evocation magic that can be detected by spells like Detect Magic. Additionally, the creature can use Aetherite Crystals to restore its spell slots, following the same rules as a creature using the crystals.
    • Aetherite Mutation: The creature may gain a new physical feature, such as an extra limb, wings, or glowing eyes, which provides a specific benefit. This represents the Aetherite energy causing physical transformations.
  6. Sensitivity to Aetherite: The creature is sensitive to Aetherite Crystals and must avoid direct contact with them. If the creature comes into contact with an Aetherite Crystal, it takes damage (DM's discretion on type and amount).   Magical Vulnerability: The creature has disadvantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects due to its heightened sensitivity to magic.   Alignment: The creature's alignment may shift towards chaos due to the unpredictable nature of aetherite.   Challenge Rating: The creature's Challenge Rating increases by 1 (or more, at the DM's discretion) to reflect its new abilities.   Aetherite Dependency: After using an Aetherite Crystal, the creature feels a sense of relaxation and calm. However, excessive use or misuse of Aetherite Crystals may have side effects or consequences, as determined by the DM.
Scientific Name
Same as original creature


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