Aetherite Harvest

In the dimly lit cavern, Daren Tor's eyes narrowed as he focused on the glimmering vein of Aetherite Crystals embedded in the rock wall. With a flick of his wrist, he activated his specialized dowsing rods, which began to glow softly. The air around him hummed, a low-frequency resonance that seemed to harmonize with the arcane energies of the crystals.   Taking a deep breath, Daren extended his hand toward the vein. His fingers traced intricate patterns in the air, and a soft, iridescent glow emanated from his palm. The Aetherite Crystals responded, their volatile energies stabilizing under his focused will.   With another gesture, a pure crystal point separated from the vein and levitated toward him. Daren grinned; another successful harvest. The crystal floated into a reinforced container, ready for transport. It was a good day for both artificer and miner, and an even better day for the future of Gemcore Technology.


The primary objective of the "Aetherite Harvest" spell is twofold: the transmutation of raw Aetherite Crystals into a purer form and the subsequent levitation of these transmuted crystals for extraction. The spell operates within a range of 60 feet and requires the caster to maintain concentration for up to one minute. Upon successful casting, the artificer can utilize their action to initiate the transmutation process, converting a raw Aetherite Crystal into a purer crystal point, the size of which is subject to the discretion of the Dungeon Master. Concurrently, the caster may allocate their movement to levitate the newly transmuted crystal in any direction, facilitating its extraction from the mining site. It is noteworthy that the spell's effects are nullified if concentration is lost, rendering the crystals temporarily immobile due to their inherent instability for a duration of 1d4 rounds.

Side/Secondary Effects

The "Aetherite Harvest" spell, while highly specialized and effective, is not without its potential drawbacks. The most immediate concern arises when the caster's concentration is interrupted or voluntarily broken. In such instances, the Aetherite Crystals revert to their volatile state, becoming temporarily immobile and unresponsive to magical manipulation for a period determined by a 1d4 roll. This period of instability poses a setback to mining operations but is generally not catastrophic.   Moreover, the spell does not produce any harmful physical or mental side effects on the caster. However, it is worth noting that the spell consumes the caster's entire action economy for the duration, requiring a full commitment to the mining process and leaving the caster vulnerable to external threats.


The casting of "Aetherite Harvest" is accompanied by a series of distinct sensory phenomena that serve as hallmarks of its successful execution. Visually, the caster's hands emanate a soft, iridescent glow, a luminescence that extends toward the targeted Aetherite Crystals. This ethereal light serves as a visual cue, signaling the stabilization of the crystals' volatile energies.   Auditorily, the air around the caster and the targeted crystals hums with a palpable tension, a low-frequency resonance that seems to harmonize with the very fabric of the arcane. This auditory manifestation is not loud but is sufficiently noticeable to those in proximity.   Olfactorily and tactilely, the spell does not produce any discernible effects, maintaining a focus on visual and auditory cues to indicate its operation.


The power underpinning "Aetherite Harvest" is primarily drawn from the arcane expertise of the caster, specifically tailored for Artificers. Unlike spells that tap into ley lines, divine beings, or external artifacts, "Aetherite Harvest" is a testament to the ingenuity and arcane craftsmanship inherent to the Artificer class. The spell encapsulates the Artificer's unique ability to manipulate magical energies for practical applications—in this case, the safe extraction of Aetherite Crystals. It is a spell born from necessity, honed through experimentation, and refined by the intellectual rigor that Artificers bring to the magical disciplines.


The spell "Aetherite Harvest" was conceived by Daren Tor, an artificer of considerable renown and a former pupil of the late Master Aberran. The invention of this spell was a critical milestone in the development of Gemcore Technology, a transformative innovation that revolutionized the harnessing and utilization of magical energy in Rolara. Daren Tor, inspired by the teachings and research of his late mentor, dedicated himself to exploring the potential of Aetherite Crystals after retiring from his adventurous life.   The spell was specifically designed to facilitate the extraction of Aetherite Crystals on an industrial scale, a necessity for the production of Gemcores. These specially treated crystals form the core of Gemcore Technology, enabling a wide array of applications, from powering mundane tools to enhancing weapons and armor. The spell was developed in the Laboratorium of Tatharia Capitolina and is held exclusively by this esteemed institution.   While the spell itself has not yet been woven into the legends and folklore of Rolara, its impact is undeniable. It has democratized magical power, altering the balance of power in Rolara and enabling the creation of armies equipped with powerful and versatile weapons.
Related Organizations
Material Components
a specialized set of dowsing rods designed to find Aetherite veins
Gestures & Ritual
Initiated by intricate hand gestures and requiring specialized dowsing rods, "Aetherite Harvest" is efficient and discreet, with no verbal component needed.
Related Discipline
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Concentration, up to 1 minute
Effect Casting Time
Bonus Action
60 ft.
Applied Restriction
Spell components are typically property of the mining operation, returned post-shift. Commercial scrolls available. Limitations include Artificer exclusivity and potential scarcity of specialized dowsing rods.


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