Alaric Thorne

Alaric Thorne, the current leader of Aetherport, is a former sky sailor known for his pragmatic and protective leadership style. He inherited the governance of Aetherport from his close friend, Maelis "Skyhand" Veynar, who was instrumental in the founding of the floating settlement. Alaric is celebrated for his level-headedness, deep understanding of aerial navigation, and unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of Aetherport's residents.   Alaric Thorne is the steadfast anchor of Aetherport, guiding the community through the challenges of their aerial existence with wisdom, skill, and an unwavering commitment to their safety and prosperity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alaric's journey began as a sky sailor, navigating the skies and learning the intricacies of aerial travel. His skills made him a natural fit for the unique challenges of Aetherport, and his friendship with Maelis solidified his role in the community. When Maelis decided to venture out for new adventures, Alaric was the obvious choice to take over leadership, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity.
Currently Held Titles
Ruled Locations


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