
The Divine Scribe of Balance and Order

A Journey into the Realm of Empyrea

Residing in the harmonious realm of Empyrea within the plane of Arcadia, Anzu-Dorje embodies the Lawful Neutral alignment, representing a perfect balance between order and impartiality. The deity is associated with the domains of Law, Order, Protection, Knowledge, and History.   Anzu-Dorje is symbolized by an inscribed tablet and a stylus, representing the immutable laws of the cosmos and the act of recording history, respectively. The inscribed tablet is said to contain the laws that govern the universe, while the stylus is the tool Anzu-Dorje uses to record every event, every decision, and every consequence in the annals of time.   As the regulator of divine duties, Anzu-Dorje ensures that the other deities fulfill their responsibilities. The deity meticulously records every action and inaction of the gods, holding them accountable for their duties. Any deviation from their divine responsibilities is noted and addressed, ensuring that the cosmic order is maintained.   Anzu-Dorje also serves as the gatekeeper at the entrance to the Celestial Stairway in the terraced gardens of Memora, the heavenly realm. The deity's impartiality makes them the perfect judge to determine who is worthy to ascend the stairway.   Mortals often invoke Anzu-Dorje in common oaths, believing that the deity's influence can ensure fairness and justice. A simple hand gesture, mimicking the act of writing, is believed to evoke their protection against evil.   In addition to their other duties, Anzu-Dorje is responsible for recording and effecting the rulings made by Mechanus, the deity presiding over cases of cosmological scale. This responsibility further emphasizes Anzu-Dorje's role as the embodiment of law and order in the cosmos.   In the pantheon of Rolara, Anzu-Dorje is respected for their impartiality and dedication to order. While the deity does not form alliances, they maintain a cordial relationship with all deities, ensuring that their actions align with the cosmic order.   Welcome, then, to the realm of Anzu-Dorje, the divine scribe of the cosmos, where every action is recorded, every law is upheld, and order is maintained with meticulous precision.

Divine Domains

As you Weave the narrative of your character's life, aligning with a deity is a step of paramount importance. It can shape your character's purpose, guide their actions, and impact their standing in the world. To make this crucial choice, consider Anzu-Dorje, a deity that stands as a beacon of cosmic order and knowledge in the celestial plane.   Anzu-Dorje's domains encompass Law, Order, Protection, Knowledge, and History—core principles that are essential to the maintaining of balance in the universe. They are the touchstones of Anzu-Dorje's divine influence and the guiding force behind the deity's actions.  

Law and Order

Anzu-Dorje is the embodiment of Lawful Neutral alignment, the perfect balance between order and impartiality. They ensure that the immutable laws that govern the cosmos are upheld. If your character seeks fairness, justice, and a world where the scales are balanced, they would find a fitting patron in Anzu-Dorje.  


Anzu-Dorje's domain of protection is not merely physical safeguarding. It is the preservation of the cosmic order against chaos and disruption. Aligning with Anzu-Dorje provides your character with a sense of purpose in defending the vulnerable and maintaining the natural equilibrium of the world.  

Knowledge and History

The deity's domains extend to Knowledge and History, symbolized by their inscribed tablet and stylus. Anzu-Dorje chronicles every event, decision, and consequence, serving as the cosmic historian. If your character values wisdom, truth, and the lessons of the past, they will find alignment with Anzu-Dorje immensely rewarding.   Aligning with Anzu-Dorje offers characters a path that upholds justice, values knowledge, and seeks to maintain balance in the universe. Whether your character is a righteous warrior, a truth-seeking scholar, or a guardian of balance, they will find a divine guide in Anzu-Dorje, the divine scribe of the cosmos.

Tenets of Faith

When Paladins pledge themselves to Anzu-Dorje, they commit to a life guided by principles that mirror the deity's divine domains. These tenets of faith are the bedrock of their conviction, serving as a moral compass and a spiritual guide.  

Uphold the Cosmic Law

The first tenet for Paladins of Anzu-Dorje is the upholding of cosmic law. As Anzu-Dorje is the embodiment of Lawful Neutral alignment, Paladins are expected to adhere to this principle above all others. They become the enforcers of cosmic law among mortals, ensuring justice and fairness. Upholding cosmic law also means respecting the laws of the lands they traverse, symbolizing their commitment to universal order and harmony.  

Protect the Balance

Anzu-Dorje's domain of protection extends beyond the physical realm to safeguarding the balance of the cosmos. Paladins are thus tasked with the divine duty of defending this balance. They stand against the forces that seek to disrupt cosmic equilibrium, whether it be chaos, evil, or even unchecked good that could tilt the scales. This tenet is a testament to their unwavering vigilance against any threats to the cosmic order.  

Seek Knowledge and Learn from History

Paladins of Anzu-Dorje are also expected to value knowledge and learn from history, just as their deity records every event in the annals of time. This tenet encourages Paladins to seek wisdom and truth, to understand the world in its entirety, and to apply the lessons of the past for the betterment of the present and future. The act of continual learning symbolizes the never-ending journey towards enlightenment.  

Hold the Divine Accountable

Just as Anzu-Dorje holds deities accountable for their actions, Paladins are expected to uphold this principle among mortals and immortals alike. This tenet reinforces the importance of responsibility and integrity, reminding all that no being, however powerful, is above the law.  

Impartiality in Judgement

Paladins of Anzu-Dorje must strive to be as impartial as their patron deity, especially when they pass judgment. They are to set aside personal biases and emotions, evaluating situations based on the principles of justice and fairness. This tenet represents Anzu-Dorje's role as an impartial judge, affirming the belief that true justice is blind.   These tenets are a reflection of Anzu-Dorje's divine domains, emphasizing order, protection, knowledge, and the recording of history. They offer Paladins a comprehensive framework for a righteous and balanced existence, encouraging them to become paragons of law, protectors of balance, seekers of knowledge, and impartial judges in their divine journey.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Current Location


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