
Special Agent, F.B.I. Azabdjedet , the Insidious (a.k.a. the Unyielding, Destroyer of Nasty the Grim)

Smoke and brimstone part like the Red Sea before Moses, and from this chasm of elements strides Azabdjedet. His hooves tap a staccato rhythm, a Morse code of intent only he deciphers. He's a Devil with a badge, not of metal, but of cunning and resourcefulness. His eyes, twin emeralds, scan the room, missing nothing.   "Alright, listen up," he begins, his voice a blend of gravel and silk, "I've got ten minutes before I need to be in the Ninth Circle for a rendezvous with an Infernal Temptation, so let's make this quick."   He paces the room, his green suit a blur against the backdrop of eternal flames. "I've heard whispers, murmurs in the corridors of the damned. Someone's been tampering with the River Styx, and I intend to find out who."   His gaze locks onto a trembling imp, a low-level bureaucrat in the infernal hierarchy. "You—what's your name? Never mind, doesn't matter. You look like you know something. Spill it, or I'll make sure you're demoted to ash-bringer for the Salamander Brigade."   The imp stammers, then spills the beans about a rogue Arcanaloth planning to divert the River Styx for a dark ritual. Azabdjedet nods, filing the information away for later use. "Good. You just saved yourself a one-way ticket to a lava bath."   He turns to leave, his mission far from over but one step closer to resolution. As he steps back into the swirling mist of smoke and brimstone, he pauses and looks over his shoulder. "Remember, in Baator, it's not just about surviving; it's about thriving. And if you get in my way, you'll do neither."   With that, he vanishes into the haze, a devil on a mission, his name whispered in awe and dread, a fast-talking detective in a realm where even words can burn.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In the realm of physicality, Azabdjedet is a sinewy symphony of agility and strength, as if a master sculptor decided to chisel a devilish ballet dancer out of the very essence of Hell itself. His hooves tap out a rhythm only he understands, like a jazz musician lost in a soulful improvisation. While some may bear the scars of infernal politics, Azabdjedet wears no such blemishes; he's as sleek and unmarred as a well-oiled cog in the diabolical machine that is the Nine Hells.

Special abilities

In the intricate web of infernal politics and power dynamics, Azabdjedet, formerly known as Achabon, has carved a niche for himself as a Special Agent in the Fiendish Brokerage of Investigators. However, one of his most audacious exploits involved a clandestine operation on behalf of an Oinoloth. The mission: to recover a stolen Tome of Recipes from a mysterious realm known as "Earth."  

The Mission

  Azabdjedet was contracted by an Oinoloth to retrieve the coveted Tome of Recipes, a book of immense value and arcane potential. The tome had found its way into the lair of an Arcanaloth, a creature known for its cunning and magical prowess. To accomplish this daring feat, Azabdjedet employed a group of mortal adventurers, tempting them with promises of wealth and power.  

The Execution

  While the adventurers engaged the Arcanaloth in its lair, keeping the creature distracted with their attempts to recover the tome, Azabdjedet seized the opportunity to pilfer something even more valuable—a unique magical ability that the Arcanaloth had guarded jealously. The adventurers, most of whom did not survive the perilous mission, served their purpose as unwitting pawns in Azabdjedet's grander scheme.  

The Stolen Ability

  The magical ability that Azabdjedet stole remains a closely guarded secret, known only to him and perhaps a few high-ranking members within the Fiendish Brokerage of Investigators. While the exact nature of this power is shrouded in mystery, it is believed to have significantly enhanced his capabilities as a Special Agent. This newfound power has made him an even more formidable force within the infernal hierarchy, solidifying his reputation as a Devil of cunning and resourcefulness.  

The Aftermath

  The mission was deemed a resounding success, not only for the recovery of the Tome of Recipes but also for the acquisition of the Arcanaloth's magical ability. Azabdjedet's standing within the Fiendish Brokerage of Investigators soared, and the Oinoloth was sufficiently pleased, further cementing his reputation as a devil who could get things done, no matter the odds or the risks involved.

Apparel & Accessories

Azabdjedet's attire is a masterful blend of infernal aesthetics and psychological manipulation. His metallic-gold button-up shirt is woven from fibers imbued with subtle enchantments, designed to catch the light in a way that is both mesmerizing and slightly unsettling. The shirt serves as a canvas upon which his infernal power is subtly displayed, its lustrous sheen a constant reminder of his otherworldly origins.   The tie he wears is loosely knotted and hangs in a manner that appears haphazard but is, in fact, meticulously calculated. This seemingly careless knotting serves to disarm those he interacts with, lulling them into a false sense of security. The tie itself is of a material that mimics the texture of mortal silk but is far more durable, woven from the threads of a rare, Hell-dwelling arachnid.   Completing his ensemble is an oversized green suit, tailored to accommodate his unique, goat-like physiology. The suit is crafted from a fabric that is both luxurious and functional, providing him with the freedom of movement necessary for his various infernal activities. The deep green hue of the suit complements his vivid green eyes, creating a harmonious yet eerie visual effect.  

Infernal Accessories

  Azabdjedet carries a set of infernal contracts, each one a masterpiece of diabolical legalese. These contracts are stored in an ornate case made from the scales of a Hellish serpent, enchanted to be both fireproof and nearly indestructible. The case is adorned with intricate, arcane symbols that serve both as a locking mechanism and as a warning to those who would dare tamper with its contents.   His quill, an essential tool in his contract-making endeavors, is fashioned from the spine of a tormented soul. The quill is enchanted to never run dry and to only scribe words that bind, ensuring that each contract he drafts is both irrevocable and binding.   In addition to these, Azabdjedet wears a ring on his right hand, a simple band of obsidian with a single, blood-red gemstone set into it. The ring is a symbol of his rank within the Fiendish Brokerage of Investigators and serves as a focus for some of his more potent spells.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the swirling, sulfurous mists of the River Styx, a new Consciousness clawed its way into existence. The entity that would come to be known as Azabdjedet emerged from the infernal waters, his first utterance in the diabolical tongue sealing both his name and destiny. It was a name that would come to resonate through the corridors of Hell, whispered in both awe and dread.   Azabdjedet began his infernal existence as a lowly Lemure, a wretched, formless thing. Yet even in this pitiable state, he exhibited a cunning and ambition that set him apart. His first epithet, "the Insidious," was earned through a series of intricate manipulations that led to the downfall of several rival lemures. His cunning did not go unnoticed, and he was soon promoted, his form taking on more distinct, devilish features.   As he ascended through the ranks, each promotion brought with it a new title, a new honorific that told the story of his ruthless ambition. "The Unyielding" came next, a testament to his relentless pursuit of power. But it was the title "Destroyer of Nasty the Grim" that truly marked his ascent. In a calculated coup, Azabdjedet eliminated a rival Devil, taking his place and his resources. This act solidified his reputation as a devil not just of cunning but of action, a being capable of shaping his own destiny.   Upon joining the Fiendish Brokerage of Investigators, a division of the enigmatic Research and Arcane Investigation (RAI) corporation, Azabdjedet found his true calling. As a Special Agent, he was given the authority to "deputize" mortals, drawing them into the intricate web of infernal politics and power struggles. His contracts became things of legend, intricate tapestries of clauses and loopholes that could either damn a soul or elevate it to heights of power it had never imagined.   Operating within the 30th percentile of the highest-priced private investigators in all the Nine Hells, Azabdjedet became a figure of significant influence. His office, located in the labyrinthine corridors of RAI, became a place where destinies were forged and shattered. Mortals and devils alike sought his services, and his contracts became highly coveted artifacts, each one a potential key to unimaginable power or unspeakable ruin.   Yet, Azabdjedet remains a devil of mystery. His ambitions are his own, and while he has risen high, he is far from content. Each contract he drafts, each soul he ensnares, is but a stepping stone to some greater, as yet unfathomable goal. And so, he continues to Weave his intricate plots, his name whispered in awe and dread, a devil on the rise, his story far from complete.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Blazing emeralds
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Short goat fur
272 lbs.


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