
Criminal Mastermind and Charitable Philanthropist

Azernathy Brüd (a.k.a. Master of Numbers, Lord of Shadows)

In the annals of Rolara's complex tapestry of heroes and villains, few figures stand as perplexing and enigmatic as Azernathy Brüd. A man of polished veneer and social grace, Brüd is a living paradox, his outward charm serving as a smokescreen for a psyche that operates on a calculus of ruthless self-interest. His moral architecture is not built on the bedrock of universal ethics but rather on a mutable foundation of personal gain. In the solipsistic universe that is Brüd's mind, other individuals are not ends in themselves but mere variables in a grand equation, each manipulated to optimize his own ambitions. His social interactions, while seemingly genuine, are in reality meticulously calculated moves in a grander game—a game whose ultimate prize is the maximization of his own arcane and temporal power.   Azernathy Brüd's motivations are as intricate as they are insidious. He does not seek the ephemeral joys of happiness or the harmonious chords of social balance. Instead, his soul is a ceaseless engine fueled by an unquenchable thirst for power, validation, and the perpetuation of his own grandiosity. His financial empire, a labyrinthine network of both philanthropic and nefarious enterprises, serves as a mirror reflecting his dual nature. Whether it is his arcane forays into the dark arts of necromancy, his cunning manipulation of infernal contracts, or his complex web of social and business affiliations, each facet of his life is a meticulously chosen tessera in a grand mosaic. This mosaic, when viewed from the distance of his overarching ambitions, forms a singular, haunting image: that of a man hell-bent on the maximization of his own personal power, regardless of the ethical or social cost.   In this manner, Azernathy Brüd stands as a testament to the darker complexities of Human nature, a cautionary tale woven into the fabric of Rolara's history, forever challenging our understanding of morality, ambition, and the enigmatic depths of the human soul.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Azernathy Brüd presents an outward appearance that is deliberately unremarkable, a calculated choice that serves to divert attention away from his malevolent pursuits. Clothed in garments of muted colors—often a blend of earthy browns and subdued grays—his attire is meticulously tailored yet devoid of ostentation, blending seamlessly into the scholarly milieu of Tatharia Capitolina. His features are equally nondescript: a face framed by neatly trimmed dark hair, eyes of an unmemorable hazel, and a demeanor that radiates a studied, almost academic, form of politeness, all conspiring to make him easily overlooked in a crowd.

Specialized Equipment

In a world as perilous as Rolara, where arcane energies and political machinations coalesce into a volatile mix, Azernathy Brüd employs an array of specialized equipment designed for subtlety and misdirection. These tools are not merely physical armaments; they are extensions of his philosophical approach to life, each meticulously crafted or acquired to serve specific functions in his grand scheme of self-preservation and power accumulation.  

Arcane Focus Disguised as Mundane Trinket

  One of Brüd's most prized possessions is his arcane focus, a seemingly innocuous object that belies its true purpose. To the untrained eye, it appears to be a simple pendant or pocket watch, but in reality, it serves as a conduit for his necromantic energies. This focus allows him to channel arcane power discreetly, often bypassing the need for overt gestures or incantations.  

Ring of Mind Shielding

  Given his involvement in various clandestine activities, Brüd places a premium on mental security. He wears a Ring of Mind Shielding, an enchanted piece of jewelry that protects him from telepathic intrusion and magical attempts to discern his thoughts or alignment. This ring is a safeguard against both arcane and divine means of mental probing, ensuring that his secrets remain his own.  

Cloak of Elvenkind

  In situations that require physical stealth, Brüd dons a Cloak of Elvenkind, a magical garment that enhances his ability to move unseen and unheard. The cloak's enchantment blends him into his surroundings, making him difficult to detect even by magical means. It is an invaluable asset for someone who operates in the shadows, both metaphorically and literally.  

Scroll Case of Sealed Contracts

  Brüd carries a scroll case containing various contracts, both mundane and infernal. These are not ordinary parchments; they are imbued with protective spells that prevent unauthorized access. Only Brüd can open the case and read its contents, which often include contracts that are legally binding in both mortal and infernal courts. This case serves as both a weapon and a shield, a repository of obligations and debts that can be leveraged when necessary.  

Enchanted Quill and Inkwell

  As a master of contracts and written agreements, Brüd employs an enchanted quill and inkwell that allow him to draft documents with magical clauses. The ink is formulated from rare reagents, capable of binding not just legal but also magical obligations. This set enables him to create contracts that are almost impossible to breach, ensuring that any who enter into agreements with him are bound by terms only he fully understands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life and Family

  Azernathy Brüd was born into a family that was the epitome of Tatharian decency and compassion. His father, a merchant of modest means but abundant love, was a pillar of affection and moral guidance. His mother, a socialite known for her philanthropic endeavors, was a beacon of kindness and grace. Azernathy had siblings who were supportive and nurturing, fostering an environment that would have led most individuals down a path of righteousness. In a city where the benevolent Lugal Icaghor had made Healing freely accessible to all, Azernathy's upbringing was, by all accounts, idyllic.  

The Laboratorium and Intellectual Ascendancy

  From a young age, Azernathy displayed an uncanny aptitude for numbers and logical reasoning. His talents were quickly recognized by the instructors at the Laboratorium, Tatharia Capitolina's esteemed institution of learning. Under their tutelage, he soared through the academic ranks, mastering complex mathematical formulas and arcane theories with ease. Even Master Aberran, a scholar of great repute, acknowledged Azernathy's prodigious abilities, recommending his advancement to higher-level courses. By the age of 17, Azernathy had become a Scholar, a title that brought him both prestige and a platform to disseminate his knowledge.  

The Turn to Business and Financial Acumen

  Despite his academic accomplishments, Azernathy found little satisfaction in the realm of pedagogy. His students, though eager, rarely met his exacting standards, leading him to seek challenges elsewhere. It was during this period that he ventured into the world of business and finance. Utilizing his mathematical prowess, he quickly amassed a fortune, establishing himself as a formidable player in Tatharia Capitolina's economic landscape. To the public, he was a success story, a prodigy turned philanthropist who used his wealth to support educational and cultural initiatives.  

The Infernal Contract and Cosmic Trickery

  Azernathy's true nature began to manifest when Magic returned to Rolara. Seizing the opportunity, he delved into the forbidden arts of necromancy and infernal contracts. It was during this time that he entered into a pact with a Pit Fiend, an agent of Mammon. The contract was designed to secure Azernathy an unholy bounty of Soul Coins and Soul Stock in exchange for his soul in the afterlife. However, his mastery of numbers and contractual language allowed him to manipulate the terms to his advantage. The Pit Fiend was demoted to a Lemure, and Azernathy secured a unique form of infernal wealth that would sustain his malevolent activities even beyond death.  

The Shadow Empire and Rivalry with Daren Tor

  As Azernathy's wealth and influence grew, so did the scope of his dark ambitions. He established a parallel evil empire, a clandestine network that engaged in illicit activities ranging from dark magical research to political subversion. It was during this period that he attracted the attention of Daren Tor, a renowned artificer and guardian of Tatharian values. Despite Tor's intellectual prowess and moral conviction, he has been unable to definitively link Azernathy to his crimes, a testament to the latter's cunning and meticulous planning.


The Precocious Prodigy

  From an early age, Azernathy Brüd displayed an intellectual acumen that set him apart from his peers. His prodigious talents did not go unnoticed, and he was soon admitted to the Laboratorium, Tatharia Capitolina's most esteemed institution of learning. The Laboratorium was a crucible of innovation and scholarship, a place where the brightest minds of Tatharia were molded. Here, young Azernathy found himself surrounded by scholars, arcane practitioners, and aspiring sages, all striving to push the boundaries of knowledge.  

The Fast Track to Advanced Learning

  Azernathy's initial years at the Laboratorium were marked by a rapid ascent through the academic ranks. His instructors quickly realized that the standard curriculum was insufficient to challenge his extraordinary abilities, particularly in the realm of mathematics. Even Master Aberran, a venerable scholar known for his exacting standards, concurred that Azernathy was squandering his potential in rudimentary courses. As a result, he was fast-tracked to advanced classes, bypassing several years of foundational studies.  

The Scholar Emerges

  By the age of 17, Azernathy had achieved the rank of Scholar, an honor typically reserved for individuals many years his senior. His studies were not limited to mathematics; he also delved into arcane lore, ancient languages, and even the rudiments of necromancy—though this latter interest was kept a closely guarded secret. As a Scholar, Azernathy was granted the privilege of teaching, and he took on the role of an educator with a sense of entitlement. His classes were intellectually rigorous, designed to weed out those who lacked the mental fortitude to meet his exacting standards.  

The Secret Studies

  While his public academic pursuits were impressive enough, Azernathy also engaged in clandestine studies. The Laboratorium's extensive library, a labyrinthine repository of ancient texts and forbidden tomes, became his sanctuary. Here, under the cover of darkness, he explored the darker aspects of arcane knowledge, laying the foundation for his future necromantic endeavors.  

Intellectual Networks and Influences

  During his time at the Laboratorium, Azernathy cultivated a network of contacts that would later serve him well in both his legitimate and illegitimate enterprises. He became particularly close to a select group of scholars who shared his unorthodox interests, forming a secret society dedicated to the exploration of arcane mysteries. This society, whose name remains unknown, would later become the intellectual core of his parallel evil empire.

Mental Trauma

The Anomaly of Azernathy Brüd: A Life Devoid of Mental Trauma

A Loving Childhood
  In the annals of psychological studies, it is often posited that a traumatic upbringing can be a precursor to malevolent tendencies in adulthood. However, Azernathy Brüd defies this conventional wisdom. Born into a family that was the epitome of love and kindness, his early years were marked by an abundance of affection and emotional support. His father, a paragon of attentiveness, ensured that young Azernathy never felt neglected or unloved. Family outings, bedtime stories, and shared meals were regular occurrences, painting a picture of domestic bliss.  
Healthy Development
  As Azernathy grew, so did his intellectual and emotional faculties. His parents encouraged open dialogue, fostering an environment where questions were welcomed and curiosity was nurtured. This led to a healthy development of his cognitive abilities, as well as emotional intelligence. He learned the values of empathy and kindness, not through harsh lessons but through positive reinforcement. His siblings, too, played a crucial role in his development. They were supportive figures who encouraged his intellectual pursuits, further contributing to his well-rounded upbringing.  
Supportive Siblings
  Azernathy's siblings were not merely passive participants in his life; they were active contributors to his emotional well-being. Whether it was celebrating his academic achievements or standing by him during the minor setbacks of childhood, their support was unwavering. This familial unity extended to social gatherings, religious observances, and even mundane daily activities. The Brüd household was a sanctuary of emotional stability, a place where each member felt valued and loved.  
The Laboratorium and Intellectual Growth
  Azernathy's intellectual prowess was recognized early on, and he was enrolled in the Laboratorium, Tatharia Capitolina's esteemed institution of learning. Here too, he found an environment conducive to his intellectual and emotional growth. His instructors were not just educators; they were mentors who recognized his potential and nurtured it. Even Master Aberran, a figure of immense wisdom, took a keen interest in Azernathy's development, fast-tracking him to advanced courses and eventually acknowledging him as a Scholar at the young age of 17.   In light of his upbringing—a loving family, supportive siblings, and a nurturing educational environment—it is evident that Azernathy Brüd's life was devoid of mental trauma. He was not shaped by hardship or emotional neglect; rather, he was molded by love, support, and intellectual stimulation. This makes his inherent, irredeemable evil all the more perplexing, a dark enigma that defies the conventional understanding of morality and psychological development. Azernathy Brüd stands as an anomaly, a testament to the inexplicable complexities of Human nature.

Morality & Philosophy

Azernathy Brüd's moral and philosophical framework is a study in the calculus of self-interest, a system devoid of conventional ethical considerations. In Brüd's world, morality is not a set of universal principles but rather a mutable construct, malleable to the whims of personal advantage. His philosophy is a complex algorithm, optimized for the acquisition of power, wealth, and arcane knowledge. It is a lens through which he views the world, a lens that refracts all things—be they Human relationships, business ventures, or arcane pursuits—into vectors of personal gain.  

The Primacy of Self

  At the core of Brüd's philosophy is the primacy of the self. He views himself as the axis around which the world turns, a perspective that is not so much egocentric as it is solipsistic. In his calculations, other individuals are variables to be manipulated, their worth measured solely by their utility in advancing his objectives. This is not to say that he lacks the capacity for charm or social grace; on the contrary, his public persona is carefully curated to maximize his influence and appeal. However, these social interactions are strategic moves in a grander game, each calculated to yield maximum returns on his investment of time and energy.  

The Fluidity of Ethics

  In Brüd's philosophical construct, ethics are fluid, their value subject to the laws of supply and demand. What is considered 'good' or 'evil' is contingent upon the context, and more importantly, upon the potential benefits that can be reaped. This fluidity extends to his arcane pursuits, including his forays into necromancy and infernal contracts. These are not 'evil' acts in his view, but rather opportunities to acquire resources—be they Soul Coins, arcane knowledge, or political leverage.  

The Mathematics of Power

  Brüd's mastery of mathematics is not merely an academic achievement; it is a metaphysical framework that informs his worldview. He perceives the dynamics of power, influence, and arcane energy as equations to be solved, variables to be optimized. This mathematical approach is evident in his business ventures, his manipulation of infernal contracts, and even his clandestine activities. Each action is a data point, each outcome a solution to a complex equation, all converging towards a singular goal: the maximization of his personal power.

Personality Characteristics


Azernathy Brüd is a study in contrasts, a man whose surface-level contentment masks a ceaseless engine of ambition and narcissism. While he enjoys the comforts of his life among Tatharia Capitolina's social elite, these pleasures are but the trappings of a deeper, more insidious drive. His motivations are not rooted in the pursuit of happiness or social harmony but in an unquenchable thirst for power, validation, and the perpetuation of his own grandiosity.  

The Comfort of Social Standing

  Brüd places significant value on his social standing, not for its own sake but for the opportunities it affords him. His position among the elite provides him with a veil of respectability, a protective layer that shields him from scrutiny and suspicion. His family and friends, blissfully unaware of his darker pursuits, serve as unwitting pawns in his grand design. They are the audience to his performance, their admiration and respect the currency with which he purchases his own self-worth.  

The Narcissistic Core

  At the heart of Brüd's motivations lies a profound narcissism, a self-love that borders on the pathological. This is his tragic flaw, though it is one he would never acknowledge, even to himself. His narcissism is the lens through which he views the world, a distorting mirror that magnifies his own importance while diminishing the value of others. Every action he takes, every plot he orchestrates, is ultimately aimed at reinforcing this inflated sense of self. It is a never-ending cycle, a self-perpetuating loop of ambition and validation.  

The Quest for Power

  Power, in all its forms, is the ultimate object of Brüd's desire. Whether it is the arcane power of necromancy, the social power of influence, or the tangible power of wealth, each form of power is a stepping stone toward his ultimate goal: the realization of his own limitless potential. This quest for power is not merely an external pursuit but an internal one, a means of proving to himself that he is as exceptional as his narcissism insists he is.  

The Fear of Obscurity

  Driving Brüd's relentless ambition is an underlying fear of obscurity, a dread of being unremarkable or, worse, irrelevant. This fear is the shadow that accompanies his narcissism, the dark twin that haunts his every move. It is this fear that fuels his machinations, that compels him to seek ever greater heights of power and influence. For Brüd, to be forgotten is to cease to exist, a fate more terrifying than any hell.


Contacts & Relations

Azernathy Brüd's network of contacts, relations, and affiliations is as complex as the man himself. Spanning multiple realms of society, from the arcane to the infernal, his connections serve as both a testament to his influence and a mechanism for his dark enterprises.  

Family Relations

  • Father: Jorvald Brüd, a loving and attentive parent, unaware of his son's malevolent activities.
  • Mother: Elsira Brüd, a socialite and philanthropist, equally oblivious to her son's dark pursuits.
  • Siblings: Multiple, supportive but uninformed about his true nature.

Academic Contacts

  • Master Aberran: Late mentor and esteemed scholar at the Laboratorium, who recognized Azernathy's intellectual prowess but remains unaware of his darker inclinations.

Business Associates

  • Thalor Quent: A high-ranking member of the Mercantorum, who facilitates some of Brüd's more legitimate financial endeavors.
  • Lysandra Vex: Owner of several shell companies that Brüd uses for money laundering and other illicit activities.

Infernal Contacts

  • Mammon: Archdevil and Chief Executive Devil of HellCo, with whom Brüd has a complex and antagonistic relationship.
  • Unnamed Pit Fiend (now a Lemure): The unfortunate agent of Mammon who was outwitted by Brüd and subsequently demoted.

Clandestine Network

  • Gorvald the Shade: A trusted lieutenant who oversees Brüd's dark magical research cells.
  • Resphine the Whisper: Another lieutenant, responsible for gathering intelligence and coordinating espionage activities.

Rivals and Adversaries

  • Daren Tor: A renowned artificer and guardian of Tatharian values, who views Brüd as a threat to the cosmic balance and is committed to unmasking his malevolent activities.


  • The Laboratorium: Alma mater and a beneficiary of Brüd's public philanthropy.
  • Mercantorum: The largest trade organization in Rolara, where Brüd holds significant influence despite its headquarters being in Shamsi-Adad.
  • HellCo: Though not a formal affiliation, Brüd's infernal contract with one of its agents has made him a person of interest within this devilish corporation.
  Azernathy Brüd's contacts, relations, and affiliations serve multiple purposes, from maintaining his public persona to facilitating his clandestine activities. Each connection is a carefully chosen piece in a complex puzzle, contributing to his overarching schemes and ambitions. Whether they are witting or unwitting participants in his grand design, each individual in Brüd's network plays a role in the unfolding tapestry of his life—a tapestry woven from threads of ambition, malevolence, and unparalleled cunning.

Wealth & Financial state

Azernathy Brüd's financial standing is a complex tapestry woven from both legitimate and illegitimate threads, each contributing to a staggering wealth that, while not rivaling the likes of Armen Sasounyan, is nonetheless formidable. His financial empire is a reflection of his dual nature, a blend of public-facing philanthropy and shadowy criminal enterprises. This section delves into the various facets of Brüd's wealth, from his class standing to his intricate web of assets and investments.  

Class Standing

  Azernathy Brüd occupies a unique position within the social hierarchy of Tatharia Capitolina. While not an aristocrat by birth, his immense wealth and philanthropic endeavors have granted him a status that rivals the city's oldest and most respected families. This standing provides him not only with social capital but also with a veneer of respectability that shields his darker pursuits from public scrutiny.  


  Brüd's financial empire is not a standalone entity but rather a complex network of dependencies. These range from legitimate businesses, such as trading companies and arcane research facilities, to illicit operations like underground gambling dens and black-market trading hubs. Each dependency serves a specific function within his financial ecosystem, whether as a source of revenue, a laundering mechanism, or a means of exerting influence.  


  Remarkably, Brüd's financial portfolio is virtually debt-free, a testament to his mathematical genius and strategic acumen. Any debts that do exist are strategic in nature, designed to create leverage or to serve as investments in future ventures. His lack of significant debt contributes to his financial stability and enhances his ability to maneuver within both legitimate and illegitimate financial circles.  

Funds and Disposable Income

  Brüd's liquid assets are considerable, providing him with a level of disposable income that few can rival. This financial liquidity serves multiple purposes: it funds his philanthropic endeavors, fuels his illicit activities, and allows him to make rapid, high-stakes investments as opportunities arise. His disposable income is a key factor in his ability to adapt and pivot, to seize upon new ventures while divesting from less profitable ones.  

Assets and Investments

  Azernathy Brüd's portfolio of assets and investments is as diverse as it is extensive. On the legitimate side, it includes real estate holdings, shares in various Tatharian enterprises, and even stakes in arcane research initiatives. On the illegitimate side, it encompasses a range of shadowy ventures, from smuggling routes to illegal magical artifact trading. Each asset and investment is carefully chosen to align with his broader financial and strategic goals, whether that means diversifying his revenue streams, consolidating his power, or hedging against potential risks.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
145 lbs


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