Cult of Aegeon

The Cult of Count Aegeon, reverently known as The Plague Bringer, Father Of Disease, Mother Of Sickness, Son Of Pestilence, and Daughter Of Wounds, is a clandestine and often misunderstood organization dedicated to venerating the malevolent essence of its namesake Deity. This sect, steeped in ancient rituals and shadowed secrecy, embraces the dark facets of existence, finding sanctity in the very elements of reality that others fear and eschew: disease, decay, and the inexorable decline of all living things.


The cult’s structure is intentionally simplistic, mirroring the inevitable, indiscriminate nature of the diseases they worship. Small, autonomous groups or nodes are common, each operating in isolation but bound by a shared reverence for Count Aegeon. The emphasis on willing self-affliction as a form of worship means that the cult’s practices are often extreme, with members viewing their eventual deaths by disease as the ultimate offering to their Deity.   This hierarchy supports a fatalistic yet fervent worship style, where the acceptance of one’s demise from disease is seen as the final act of devotion, a sacred surrender to the inevitable decay all life must face. Despite their small numbers and the self-destructive nature of their practices, the impact of these devoted followers is significant, as they embody the essence of Count Aegeon’s dominion over sickness and pestilence, spreading his dark gospel with every breath they take, until their last.

Divine Origins

The origins of Aegeon's cult are shrouded in mystery, with whispers of its inception dating back to epochs where diseases were revered as divine judgments. Followers believe that Count Aegeon was born from the primal fears of mortality and decay, embodying the inevitable end that all living beings must face. His followers see him not as a harbinger of unnecessary cruelty but as a divine figure representing the natural cycle of life and death, with disease as a crucial element of ecological and existential balance.


The cult's practices are deeply entwined with the acceptance and reverence of illness and decay. Rituals often involve the deliberate exposure to diseases, viewing each infection as a form of communion or baptism with the divine essence of Aegeon. These rites serve as both tests of faith and demonstrations of devotion, with the most revered members often bearing the scars of numerous afflictions, each mark seen as a badge of honor and a direct blessing from the Plague Bringer.   Sacrifices and offerings to Aegeon typically involve the cultivation or surrender of diseased specimens, from blighted crops to infected livestock, and even afflicted cult members themselves. The most sacred rituals mimic the spread of contagions, with followers seeking to emulate Aegeon's reach by disseminating ailments, viewing outbreaks as a form of divine proliferation.


The Cult of Count Aegeon, devoted to the veneration of the Plague Bringer, organizes its members into a hierarchy that reflects their dedication to embracing and spreading the essence of disease and decay. This hierarchy, while streamlined, plays a crucial role in defining the roles and responsibilities of the cult members, who are often found in isolated, secretive nodes that embrace the fatalistic nature of their worship.  

Acolytes: The Devoted

  • Cysters (Female Acolytes): Female initiates in the cult are known as Cysters, a title that signifies their bond with one another and their shared devotion to Count Aegeon. They engage in rituals of self-affliction, viewing their willing embrace of disease as a sacred communion with their deity. Their role is pivotal in the spread of the cult’s beliefs, acting as vessels through which Aegeon’s maladies are glorified.
  • Bactren (Male Acolytes): Male members who have pledged themselves to the cult's cause are called Bactren, symbolizing their role as carriers of the sacred infections that honor Count Aegeon. They participate in the cult's practices with a zealous dedication, often leading to self-sacrificial acts in the name of spreading their lord’s pestilent reach.

Leadership: The Shepherds of Sickness

  • Matridemia (High Priestesses): The female leaders within the cult, bestowed with the title of Matridemia, embody the nurturing yet destructive aspect of disease. They are the matriarchs of malaise, overseeing the rituals and ensuring the adherence to Aegeon’s will. Their experience with various afflictions grants them a revered status, and they are often sought for guidance in spiritual and physical matters of the cult.
  • Plaguers (High Priests): The male counterparts in the leadership, known as Plaguers, wield significant influence over the cult’s direction and its rituals. They are seen as the embodiment of Aegeon’s virulent power, guiding their followers in the sacred path of contagion and decay. Their deep understanding of diseases and their progression makes them pivotal figures in the cult, orchestrating the spread of epidemics in homage to their deity.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Despite its macabre focus, the cult attracts a wide array of followers, from those disillusioned with traditional deities of health and healing to individuals who have found a perverse kind of solace in the inevitability of disease and decay. The cult's influence extends through covert networks, operating in the shadows of society, yet its impact is felt whenever and wherever disease outbreaks occur, leaving both a trail of devastation and a growing number of converts in its wake.  

Symbols and Iconography

The cult's symbolism is rich with imagery of decay and disease. The most sacred symbol is a representation of Count Aegeon's divine aspects: a fusion of a biohazard sign with a triquetra, embodying the interconnectedness of wounds, sickness, pestilence, and disease. This emblem serves as a talisman of protection, a conduit for prayers, and a marker of identity among the followers.


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