Dream Vestige

Thanks to Dungeon Dad for porting this one!  
In the ever-shifting landscape of the Dreamweave, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur into indistinct horizons, a malevolent fog rolled in. It was not a natural mist, born of temperature and moisture, but a living entity—a Dream Vestige.   As it moved, the fog seemed to whisper, a cacophony of voices murmuring in languages both known and forgotten. Faces appeared and vanished within its formless mass—agonized, pleading, wrathful—each a soul consumed, now part of this nightmarish entity. Tendrils of mist extended from its core, reaching out to caress the dream-born flora and fauna, which withered and twisted at its touch.   The Dream Vestige sensed something—a concentration of life force, a gathering of souls. It was drawn to it, its insatiable hunger guiding it unerringly through the labyrinthine corridors of the Dreamweave. As it approached, the dreamscape around it darkened, peaceful dreams turning into nightmares, calm landscapes warping into twisted parodies of themselves.   And then it struck, its tendrils lashing out to ensnare the souls it had sensed. One by one, they were drawn into its formless body, their screams joining the eternal lament that was the Dream Vestige. It grew stronger, its form expanding as it absorbed the new souls, each one adding to its collective consciousness and malevolent will.   For a moment, it paused, savoring the newfound strength, the fresh cacophony of voices that now formed a part of it. And then it moved on, its hunger as insatiable as ever, leaving behind a dreamscape forever scarred by its malevolent presence.  

Handling a Dream Vestige


Warning Signs of a Dream Vestige


The Ominous Prelude

  Before a Dream Vestige manifests in the Material Plane, the air grows thick with an otherworldly mist, and the temperature drops noticeably. Animals grow restless, and even the bravest of dogs whimper and retreat. A sense of impending doom settles over the area, as if the very land itself is holding its breath in anticipation.  

The Whispers in the Wind

  As the Dream Vestige draws near, a cacophony of whispers fills the air—mournful cries, anguished screams, and indecipherable murmurs that seem to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. These whispers serve as an auditory harbinger of the Vestige's arrival, alerting those with keen senses that something unnatural is afoot.  

The Eyes of the Community

  In villages and towns near known hotspots of Oneiric Convergence, the common folk are educated by the Holy Order of Alessandra to recognize these warning signs. Town criers, local priests, and even children are trained to ring alarm bells and light signal fires upon detecting these omens.  

The Role of the Holy Order

  Once alerted, the Holy Order of Alessandra dispatches a contingent of knights and clerics to the affected area. Time is of the essence, for the Dream Vestige's ability to replicate poses a dire threat. The Order's members unfurl the Sunlit Veil, their sacred relic, and prepare to banish the Vestige back to the Dreamweave before it can multiply.  

The Community's Faith

  The common folk hold immense faith in the Holy Order's ability to protect them from such otherworldly threats. Stories are told and retold of how the Order has successfully banished Dream Vestiges in the past, reinforcing the community's belief in the Order's divine mission.  

Reverting a Dream Vestige Infestation


Initial Assessment and Quarantine

  Upon receiving word of a Dream Vestige manifestation, the Holy Order of Alessandra dispatches a specialized team of knights and clerics, known as the Sunlit Vanguard, to the affected area. Their first task is to assess the severity of the infestation and establish a quarantine zone, cordoning off the affected area with a series of divine wards and physical barriers.  

Activation of the Sunlit Veil

  Within the quarantine zone, the highest-ranking Cleric unfurls the Sunlit Veil, invoking the divine power of Alessandra. The tapestry's golden threads shimmer as the cleric recites an ancient prayer, activating its Veil of Return ability to banish the primary Dream Vestige back to the Dreamweave.  

Purification and Exorcism

  Once the primary Dream Vestige is banished, the clerics proceed to perform a series of purification rituals and exorcisms to cleanse the area of residual dream-matter and malevolent energy. Holy water is sprinkled, and incense is burned as prayers to Alessandra fill the air.  

Elimination of Spawned Vestiges

  If the primary Dream Vestige had time to replicate, the Sunlit Vanguard engages in combat with the spawned Vestiges. Armed with divine Magic and holy relics, they work to either destroy the Vestiges or weaken them enough for another use of the Sunlit Veil, should it become available again.  

Community Restoration

  After the threat has been neutralized, the Holy Order assists the local community in restoring normalcy. Damaged property is repaired, and blessings are bestowed upon the affected families. The Order also takes this opportunity to educate the community on the warning signs of a Dream Vestige, reinforcing their role as protectors and educators.  

Debrief and Vigilance

  Finally, the Sunlit Vanguard returns to the headquarters of the Holy Order for a thorough debriefing. Lessons learned from the encounter are documented and integrated into future training, ensuring that the Order remains ever-vigilant and prepared for the next Dream Vestige incursion.

Basic Information


Nebulous Form

  The Dream Vestige defies conventional anatomy, for it is not a creature of flesh and bone. It is a swirling, formless mass of mist and shadow, a living nightmare given substance. Its body is a roiling river of fog, constantly shifting and changing, never assuming a fixed shape. Within this fog, one can discern the faint outlines of faces, hands, and other body parts—echoes of the souls it has consumed.  

Limbs and Appendages

  The Dream Vestige possesses no limbs in the traditional sense. Instead, it manifests tendrils of mist that extend from its main body, serving as both arms and sensory organs. These tendrils are capable of stretching to great lengths, allowing the Dream Vestige to reach out and touch its environment, ensnaring souls and drawing them into its formless mass.  

Muscular and Skeletal Structure

  The concept of a muscular or skeletal structure is irrelevant to the Dream Vestige. It has no need for such physical systems, its form sustained by the arcane energies that birthed it and the souls it consumes. Its tendrils, though lacking muscle, are incredibly strong, capable of exerting tremendous force when ensnaring prey.  

Aberrant Anatomy

  Perhaps the most unsettling aspect of the Dream Vestige's anatomy is its internal structure—or lack thereof. It is an amalgamation of souls, each one adding to its collective Consciousness and abilities. These souls are not stored in any physical organ; they become part of the Dream Vestige's very essence, their knowledge and experiences absorbed into its malevolent intelligence.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Dream Vestige does not reproduce in the conventional sense, for it is not a creature of flesh and blood. Instead, it has a unique method of self-spawning that defies natural law. When a Dream Vestige accumulates a number of temporary hit points equal to its maximum hit point total, it undergoes a process akin to cellular mitosis. The original vestige divides into two distinct entities, each with a number of hit points equal to the original vestige's maximum hit point total. This new Dream Vestige is a fully independent entity, possessing all the malevolent traits and abilities of its progenitor.   Given its unique method of reproduction, a single Dream Vestige poses a significant threat to any unprotected community. In theory, one industrious, hungry Dream Vestige could easily overrun an unprotected village in less than 15 minutes. Each new spawn would begin its own hunt for souls, leading to an exponential increase in the number of Dream Vestiges in a very short span of time.

Ecology and Habitats

The Dream Vestige is a creature of paradox, its very existence a defiance of natural law. It thrives in realms where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, making the Dreamweave its optimal environment. Here, in this surreal realm of collective Consciousness, the Dream Vestige finds an endless hunting ground, teeming with the souls of dreamers and the echoes of their thoughts. However, during events of Oneiric Convergence, it can manifest in the Prime Material Plane, where it continues its relentless hunt for souls.   In the Dreamweave, the Dream Vestige is both predator and part of the landscape. It navigates the ever-changing terrain with ease, its incorporeal form allowing it to pass through dream-born obstacles as if they were mere illusions. It is drawn to phenomena like Dreamstorms and Eidolon Veils, where it can tap into the raw energy of the realm to bolster its own malevolent power. In the Prime Material Plane, it is a creature of shadow and mist, lurking in places where the veil between worlds is thin. It is known to frequent ancient ruins, forgotten crypts, and other places steeped in residual arcane energy.   The presence of a Dream Vestige has a profound impact on its environment. In the Dreamweave, its hunting activities can cause localized disruptions, turning peaceful dreams into nightmares and calm landscapes into twisted parodies of themselves. In the Prime Material Plane, its mere presence can desecrate the land, its malevolent energy seeping into the soil and air, corrupting flora and fauna alike.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Dream Vestige does not consume sustenance in the manner of mortal beings. It has no need for water, air, or food. Instead, it feeds on an altogether different form of nourishment—souls. Living or undead, the Dream Vestige is indiscriminate in its insatiable hunger for the essence of beings.   The Dream Vestige is a tireless hunter, its methods as ethereal as its form. It does not forage; it stalks. Utilizing its intrinsic connection to the dream realms, it can traverse great distances in the blink of an eye, appearing in the Dreamweave or the Prime Material Plane as it wills. It hunts from the shadows, its incorporeal form allowing it to hide in places both seen and unseen—behind walls, beneath floorboards, or within the very mist that shrouds the land. Its approach is heralded by a sudden, visceral sense of dread, and as it closes in on its prey, the whispers, moans, and lamentations of its subsumed victims become audibly apparent.   The concept of storing or protecting food is alien to the Dream Vestige. Once it claims a soul, that essence is immediately absorbed into its formless body, becoming part of its ever-growing amalgam of tormented souls. These souls remain trapped within the Dream Vestige, their knowledge and languages adding to its own, until the creature itself is destroyed. Thus, in a twisted sense, the Dream Vestige is both hunter and larder, its body a nightmarish repository of the souls it has consumed.


Dream Vestiges are solitary entities, each a swirling vortex of countless souls bound together in a nightmarish amalgam. When two Dream Vestiges encounter one another, a paradoxical dance ensues. They circle each other in a haunting ballet, their tendrils of mist reaching out as if to touch yet never intertwining. It is as if they recognize the abomination of their own existence and shun the notion of amalgamation further. However, should one Dream Vestige be significantly weaker, the stronger may attempt to subsume it, adding its cacophony of souls to its own twisted choir.   The Dream Vestige knows not the concept of a predator, for it is a creature of such malevolent potency that few dare to challenge it. However, Oneiric Navigators and seasoned adventurers who understand the arcane may pose a threat. To these potential predators, the Dream Vestige exhibits a behavior most cunning. It invades their dreams, sowing seeds of doubt and fear, attempting to weaken their resolve before a confrontation in either the Dreamweave or the Prime Material Plane.   To the unfortunate souls it considers prey, the Dream Vestige is a relentless hunter. It stalks its quarry through the veils of reality, its formless body allowing it to hide in places both seen and unseen. Whether in the Dreamweave or during an event of Oneiric Convergence, it strikes when least expected, its tendrils reaching out to drain the very essence of its victims. Living or undead, all are equal in the eyes of this insatiable predator. Once ensnared, the prey's soul becomes yet another voice in the Dream Vestige's eternal lament.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Conventional Senses

  The Dream Vestige possesses blindsight up to a range of 120 feet and darkvision up to 60 feet, allowing it to perceive its environment in the absence of light. Its formless, incorporeal nature grants it a unique form of perception that transcends the need for physical eyes or ears. It is keenly aware of its surroundings, capable of detecting even the subtlest shifts in the arcane energies that permeate both the Dreamweave and the Prime Material Plane.  


  While the Dream Vestige does not possess echolocation in the traditional sense, its unique form of perception allows it to navigate effortlessly through even the most complex and shifting landscapes of the Dreamweave. It can sense the presence of obstacles, creatures, and even intangible phenomena like Dreamstorms and Eidolon Veils, adjusting its course accordingly.  

Magical and Psionic Abilities

  The Dream Vestige possesses innate spellcasting abilities, its malevolent will allowing it to manipulate the arcane energies of the world. It can cast spells like fog cloud, dream, misty step, sleep, and phantasmal killer, each spell a manifestation of its nightmarish essence. While it does not possess psionic powers per se, its intrinsic connection to the dream realms grants it a form of dream-based telepathy, enabling it to invade the dreams of other creatures and sow seeds of fear and doubt.  

Extrasensory Perception

  Perhaps the most unsettling of the Dream Vestige's sensory capacities is its ability to sense the souls of living and undead creatures. It is drawn to concentrations of life force and arcane energy, its insatiable hunger guiding it unerringly to its next victim. This extrasensory perception is not limited by distance or barriers, making the Dream Vestige an incredibly effective and relentless hunter.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

In the annals of arcane lore and whispered tavern tales, few entities evoke as much dread and fascination as the Dream Vestige. Originating from the nebulous realm known as the Dreamweave, this malevolent entity has been the subject of myths and legends that span continents and epochs.  

The First Dream Vestige

  The first recorded appearance of a Dream Vestige dates back to an age long forgotten, a time when an entire kingdom succumbed to a dream-born curse in a single night. The collective nightmare of its populace gave birth to the first Dream Vestige, a being of insatiable hunger and malevolent will. Since that fateful night, the entity has spawned many times over, its legend growing with each new manifestation.  

The Soul Eater

  Among the common folk, the Dream Vestige is often referred to as the "Soul Eater," a name that captures its insatiable hunger for souls. It is said that the entity can sense the presence of souls across dimensions, its tendrils reaching out to ensnare the unwary and draw them into its formless mass. Those consumed by the Dream Vestige are forever lost, their souls becoming part of its collective Consciousness.  

The Oneiric Convergences

  Scholars of the arcane speak of rare events known as Oneiric Convergence, during which the boundaries between the Dreamweave and the Prime Material Plane blur. It is during these times that the Dream Vestige is most likely to manifest in the waking world, its formless body materializing as a roiling mass of mist and shadow. The entity's arrival is often heralded by a sudden onset of visceral dread, a palpable sense of impending doom that grips the hearts of all who sense its presence.  

The Self-Spawning Nightmare

  Perhaps the most unsettling aspect of the Dream Vestige's legend is its ability to self-spawn. When it accumulates enough life force, the entity undergoes a form of mitosis, dividing into two distinct Dream Vestiges. This ability to rapidly proliferate has given rise to dark tales of entire villages disappearing overnight, swallowed whole by an ever-expanding mass of malevolent fog.
Geographic Distribution

Homebrew, Dungeon Dad

Dream Vestige CR: 15

Huge undead, typically chaotic evil
Armor Class: 17
Hit Points: 209 (22d12 + 66) 22d12+66
Speed: , fly: 40 ft , can hover


10 +0


20 +5


17 +3


18 +4


20 +5


20 +5

Saving Throws: DEX +10, WIS +10
Skills: Insight +10, Perception +10, Stealth +10
Damage Resistances: acid, fire, lightning, thunder
Damage Immunities: cold, necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses: blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages: Any known by creatures it has subsumed
Challenge Rating: 15 ( 13,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +5

Innate Spellcasting.
The dream vestige’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: fog cloud

1/day: phantasmal killer

3/day: dream, misty step, sleep

Desecrating Aura.
The area within 20 feet of a dream vestige is desecrated ground and all other undead in the area have advantage on attack rolls. A casting of dispel magic on the dream vestige causes this trait to cease functioning for 24 hours.  
Incorporeal Movement.
The dream vestige can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.  
Self Spawn.
When a dream vestige gains temporary hit points they are cumulative. For example, a dream vestige with 10 temporary hit points that hits a creature with its tendril attack would have 15 temporary hit points after the attack hits. When a dream vestige gains a number of temporary hit points equal to its maximum hit point total, it divides into two distinct dream vestiges with a number of hit points equal to the original vestige’s maximum hit point total.


The dream vestige uses its frightful presence. It then makes four tendril attacks.  
Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one creature. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) necrotic damage. The target's Intelligence score is reduced by 1d4 and the dream vestige gains 5 temporary hit points. If this reduces the target’s Intelligence to 0, it dies and its body is engulfed and destroyed by the vestige, leaving nothing behind. Otherwise, the reduction lasts for 1 hour.  
Frightful Presence.
Each creature of the dream vestige’s choice that is within 60 feet of the dream vestige must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dream vestige’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.  
Dream Travel.
The dream vestige plane shifts from the Material Plane to the Plane of Dreams, or from the Plane of Dreams to the Material Plane. For every minute the vestige moves though the Plane of Dreams, it travels the equivalent of 5 miles in the waking world. The dream vestige always knows where it will come out in the waking world before using this action.

A Dream Vestige is a nightmarish entity born from the collective dread of a fallen kingdom, its form a swirling mass of fog and shadow. It is a tireless hunter, ever seeking to incorporate souls—living or undead—into its malevolent being. As it moves, it emanates a chorus of whispers, cries, and murmurs, the trapped souls within it lamenting their eternal torment. Cunning and relentless, a Dream Vestige is a harbinger of doom, capable of shifting between the Material Plane and the Dreamweave, leaving a trail of despair and destruction in its wake.


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