
In the shadowy recesses of Al-Zaluma's fabled Vault of Verities, Alaric, a scholar steeped in arcane lore, stumbled upon an ancient tome that defied his magical senses. It was as if the book was there and yet not, a paradox that gnawed at the edges of his understanding. Casting a spell of detection, he discovered the presence of an invisible thread binding the tome shut—a thread that pulsed with an unsettling energy, as if woven from the nightmares of forgotten gods.   Muttering the archaic command word, a syllable that seemed to echo through the very fabric of reality, the invisible thread—Eldenbind—materialized, glowing with an eerie luminescence. It unwound itself from the tome, as if reluctantly releasing a long-held secret. The book opened, and for a fleeting moment, Alaric felt a union of awe and terror, as if he had glimpsed into the Abyss of cosmic truths.   But then, the room darkened, and a chill colder than death itself enveloped him. The Eldenbind had not merely released the tome; it had also bound him in a covenant of unspeakable knowledge. He realized that the Eldenbind was not just a guardian of secrets; it was a sentinel of cosmic horrors, now awakened by his curiosity.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Magical Properties

  The Eldenbind is not merely a physical lock but a magical seal of unparalleled potency. When commanded, the twine wraps itself around any lock or latching mechanism, holding it sealed as if bound by an invisible force. This is an empowered version of the Arcane Lock spell, woven into the very fibers of the Eldenbind by the Al-Zaluman alchemists. Once activated, the twine turns invisible, leaving no trace of its presence. The seal can only be undone by a Wish spell or by uttering the command word known only to the artifact's current possessor.  

Limitations and Drawbacks

  While the Eldenbind is a marvel of magical engineering, it is not without its limitations. The artifact requires a deep understanding of arcane lore to activate, making it inaccessible to those untrained in the magical arts. Additionally, the twine is finite in length, limiting the number of locks it can seal at one time. Most notably, the Eldenbind is crafted from the rare and dangerous cave-dwelling Phase Spiders, making its creation a perilous endeavor. This rarity also makes the Eldenbind a highly sought-after artifact, attracting the attention of both virtuous seekers and nefarious individuals.


The Eldenbind is a masterwork of Al-Zaluman craftsmanship, believed to have been created during the Epoch of Miracles. Crafted by the Al-Zaluma alchemists, who were known for their expertise in harnessing natural resources and ancient magic, the twine was initially a safeguard for their most sacred and dangerous texts. The artifact was imbued with the same ancient magic that powers the city's enchanted cobblestone roads and intricate irrigation system. Over time, its existence became a myth, whispered among thieves and scholars alike. It is said that the Eldenbind was last used to seal the Vault of Verities, a repository of forbidden knowledge in Al-Zaluma.  

Materials and Components

  The Eldenbind is a marvel of Al-Zaluman craftsmanship, its fibers carefully woven from the strands of material processed from Phase Spiders native to the caves and jungles near Al-Zaluma. The cave variant of these spiders produces a superior quality of thread, imbuing the Eldenbind with exceptional magical potency. However, these cave-dwelling Phase Spiders are exceedingly rare and perilous to hunt, making each strand of the Eldenbind a testament to both the courage and skill of Al-Zaluman artisans. When inactive, the twine appears as a translucent, silvery thread, almost ethereal in its delicacy. Upon activation, it takes on a more solid form, its magical essence becoming palpable.  

How to make Eldenbind

  Creating the Eldenbind is a feat that demands both mundane and arcane tools, each serving a unique purpose in its intricate fabrication.  
Primary Tools:
  • Spinning Wheel of Eldara: A specialized spinning wheel enchanted to Weave magical fibers.
  • Alchemist's Crucible: Used for mixing and imbuing the spider silk with arcane essences.
  • Moonstone Anvil: A rare anvil bathed in moonlight, used to forge the magical seals into the twine.
Specialized Tools:
  • Phase Spider Loom: A loom specifically designed to handle the delicate threads from Phase Spiders.
  • Scepter of Binding: A magical scepter that aids in the casting of the Arcane Lock spell during the twine's creation.
  • Lens of Clarity: An enchanted lens that allows the artisan to see and manipulate magical auras.
Magical Processes:
  • Ritual of Sealing: A complex ritual that imbues the twine with its locking capabilities.
  • Chant of Invisibility: An incantation that grants the twine its invisible properties when activated.
Expertise Required:
The creation of the Eldenbind requires a masterful understanding of both weaving and arcane arts. Only those trained in the magical traditions of Al-Zaluma possess the skill and knowledge to wield these tools effectively, making the Eldenbind a rare and invaluable artifact.


The Eldenbind's last known location was the Vault of Verities in Al-Zaluma, where it was used to seal away a repository of forbidden knowledge. Since then, rumors have circulated that the artifact has been stolen or perhaps even destroyed. However, its true location remains a mystery, fueling quests and expeditions by those brave or foolish enough to seek it. The Eldenbind continues to be a symbol of Al-Zaluma's arcane mastery and a testament to the city's complex relationship with Magic and secrecy.
Item type
Consumable, Magical


Author's Notes

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