Hand of Fate

A Chronicle of the Five Fingers of Fate

Inspired by Matt Colville, The Outer Limits, and a conversation with friends.
In the magical fantasy world of Rolara, the Hand of Fate stood as a testament to the resourcefulness and tenacity of ancient humans in their pursuit of power. As a part of the "Five Fingers of Fate", this unique magical artifact was much sought after for its incredible abilities in the realms of conjuration and abjuration magic. Its origins were steeped in the ancient wars between humans and elves, and its existence shaped the course of history in Rolara.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Five Fingers of Fate possessed a potent combination of conjuration and abjuration magic, making them highly coveted among the magical community. The Hand of Fate, in particular, boasted several unique capabilities:   Enhanced Durability: The crystal material was incredibly resistant to damage, able to withstand physical blows and magical assaults alike.
Magical Transmission: Each finger could transmit information magically, allowing for long-distance communication and coordination among wielders.
Gradual Empowerment: As each finger was added, the user gained heightened control and dexterity, culminating in a fully functional hand when all five fingers were assembled.


The Hand of Fate: A Singular Marvel of the Past

  The Hand of Fate was a crystalline prosthetic arm, intricately crafted with an unmistakable aura of magic. When attached to a user, the prosthetic arm was animated through magical means, allowing it to function as a living limb. The arm itself was endowed with only one finger, with the remaining four fingers needing to be collected and attached to unlock its full potential. As each finger was added, the prosthetic hand became increasingly more functional and powerful.  

Ancient Origins: The War of the Five Fingers

  The Hand of Fate's origins traced back to the ancient wars between humans and elves. Desperate to even the odds against their magically superior foes, the humans sought the creation of artifacts to aid them in their struggle. Master craftsmen and enchanters, working under the guidance of a powerful Archmage, forged the Five Fingers of Fate in secret.   With the Hand of Fate, the Human forces were able to turn the tide of the war. Their enhanced communication abilities and the growing powers of the prosthetic hands allowed them to outmaneuver the elves, ultimately pushing them back and claiming victory.  

The Aftermath: Scattering of the Fingers

  As the war concluded, the human leaders recognized the potential danger of leaving the Five Fingers of Fate assembled. Fearful of the power falling into the wrong hands, they decided to scatter the fingers across the realm, entrusting them to guardians and hiding them in secret locations.


Legacy of the Five Fingers

  The legend of the Five Fingers of Fate endured, with adventurers and treasure hunters alike seeking to unlock their secrets. Many believed that the full power of the fingers, once assembled, could shift the balance of power in Rolara once again. As the story of the Hand of Fate unfolded, the potential for great triumph or devastating catastrophe loomed over the magical world of Rolara. In time, the artifacts passed into obscurity, their legacy living on in the annals of history.
See on D&Dbeyond.com (Subscription required).
Item type
Unique Artifact

Articles under Hand of Fate


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