Helm of Akheth

In the annals of Rolara's arcane history, few artifacts command as much awe and reverence as the Helm of Akheth. A relic from the bygone Epoch of Miracles, this enigmatic helmet is not merely a vessel of magical prowess but a sentient entity. It serves as the last remnant of Akheth's Celestial wisdom on the Prime Material Plane and mysteriously harbors a fragment of Baba Yaga's enigmatic might.  


  Crafted in the crucible of cosmic energies during the Epoch of Miracles, the Helm of Akheth is a masterwork of arcane artifice. Akheth, the Echo of Aker, once a celestial Deity of knowledge and spellcraft, imbued his very Consciousness into this artifact before his fall from grace. The helmet also possesses an inexplicable connection to Baba Yaga, the Queen of Witches. How it came to hold a sliver of her power is a riddle that even the sentience within the helm cannot unravel.  


  The Helm of Akheth is a repository of magical knowledge, its arcane inscriptions glowing softly in the presence of mystical energies. It grants the wielder the ability to manipulate almost any form of energy, be it magical or mundane. This secondary ability fuels its most iconic power: the capacity to alter the wearer's size from Tiny to Huge at will. Additionally, the helm bestows upon its user advantages in Wisdom-based skill checks and saving throws, elevates their Charisma score to a staggering 22, and grants Truesight up to a range of 120 feet.  


  The sentience within the Helm of Akheth is a vestige of the celestial deity himself. Though it operates at a mere fraction of Akheth's original power, the consciousness is wise and knowledgeable. It guides the wearer, offering insights and wisdom that only a being of its ancient lineage could possess. This sentience is crucial to the helm's functionality and history, serving as a living testament to Akheth's once-majestic glory.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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