Helper's Hand

Balancing a tray laden with frothy ales and sparkling elixirs, I sashay through the bustling tavern. The atmosphere is electric tonight, filled with laughter, arcane discussions, and the occasional spell gone awry. My other hand gracefully holds a glass of our finest mead, its golden hue reflecting the ambient light of enchanted chandeliers.   But ah, the pièce de résistance—the Helper's Hand. Activating the magical sleeve with a mere thought, an ethereal arm materializes beside my own. It holds a tablet, enchanted to take orders and send them straight to the kitchen. No more shouting over the din, no more scribbled notes. Just the smooth, spectral movements of my third hand, tapping away on the screen.   "Another round of Lunar Blossom's special brew, table six!" I think, and my ethereal hand obliges, tapping the order into the tablet. A soft chime confirms it; the kitchen already knows.   As I glide past a table of scholars engrossed in a heated debate about the Reignition of the Stars of Power, one of them catches sight of my Helper's Hand. His eyes widen, a mix of awe and envy. "By the Stars, where did you get that?" he exclaims.   I wink and reply, "Ah, the Helper's Hand isn't just for scholars and surgeons, you know. Even us barmaids have our secrets."   With that, I twirl, the skirts of my dress fanning out as I make my way back to the bar. My tray is empty, the mead delivered, and another order placed—all thanks to an extra hand that's as much a part of me as the smile on my face.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Fashioned from exquisite fabrics imbued with arcane energies, the Helper's Hand appears as an extra sleeve worn on one side of the user's body. When activated, an ethereal arm materializes within the sleeve, mirroring the user's existing arm on that side. This spectral appendage can manipulate objects, carry items, and perform tasks as directed by the user.  
As a bonus action, the wearer can activate or deactivate the Helper's Hand.  
  • Manipulate Objects: The ethereal arm can perform simple tasks such as opening doors, picking up objects, or holding items. It has a carrying capacity of 15 pounds.
  • Skilled Use: Once per long rest, the wearer can use the sleeve's Magic to gain advantage on a Dexterity check that involves the spectral arm.


Helper's Hand, an object of both practicality and mystique, defies the very essence of Rolara's dichotomous nature. Born from the Celestial chaos of the Reignition of the Stars of Power, this wondrous sleeve challenges our understanding of Magic and utility.   Mundane tasks? Elevated to an art form. Complex surgeries? Transformed into arcane rituals. Martial arts? Reimagined as a dance between the corporeal and the ethereal. Helper's Hand is not merely an object; it's a philosophical statement, a challenge to the status quo.   Yet, the sleeve's origin remains as elusive as the ethereal arm it conjures. Scholars, inventors, stylists—each claims the Helper's Hand as their magnum opus, their arcane breakthrough. But could it be that the sleeve is Rolara's own creation, a byproduct of a realm in constant flux, ever-changing and emotionally engaging?   Debate rages in the arcane halls of the Laboratorium and the mystical dojos of Kyotan. Some scholars posit that the Helper's Hand is a sentient relic from the Astral Plane, seeking to understand the corporeal world. Surgeons argue that the sleeve is a manifestation of Rolara's collective will to heal and nurture. Martial artists, ever the contrarians, claim the Helper's Hand is the physical embodiment of balance—or rather, the futility of seeking it.   As the Reignition of the Stars of Power fades into the annals of history, the Helper's Hand endures as a living testament to Rolara's ever-changing tapestry. It serves as a constant reminder that in a realm where the arcane and the everyday coalesce, the only limit is the breadth of one's imagination.
Item type
Creation Date
ca. 1523


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Oct 25, 2023 13:39 by Melissa

A very useful magical item! How many times have we all found ourselves wishing for another hand with our current task? :)