Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities

Legend tells of a powerful artifact known as the Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities, said to be crafted by the Jade Totality himself in the earliest days of creation. The Ruyi was forged from the very essence of the universe and imbued with the power of the Three Total Ones.   As The Celestial Administration took shape and the Three Total Ones rose to their place at the top of the hierarchy, the Jade Ruyi was entrusted to their care. It was said that the staff possessed the power to control the very fabric of reality, able to warp and bend the world to the wielder's will.   Many great heroes and villains throughout the ages sought to claim the Jade Ruyi for their own, believing that its power could be used to reshape the universe to their desires. Some say that it was lost in the early days of creation, while others believe that it still exists somewhere, waiting for the right person to claim its power.   Regardless of its current whereabouts, the legend of the Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities lives on, inspiring awe and fear in all who hear of its power.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

As an artifact of divine origin, the Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities operates on a level beyond mortal understanding. However, it is believed that the staff incorporates the power of the Three Total Ones, the highest deities in the cosmology of Rolara. The three different-looking Aetherite Crystals carved to look like yinyang symbols serve as conduits for the cosmic energies channeled through the staff.   Some scholars speculate that the staff was created from a branch of the Jade Tree, a divine tree that grew in the realm of the Jade Totality, and imbued with the power of the three deities. Others believe that the staff was a gift from the Three Total Ones themselves to a worthy mortal champion, to be wielded in times of great need.   Regardless of its origins, the staff is considered one of the most powerful magical items in existence, capable of unleashing devastating blasts of energy upon its foes. Its power is said to be heightened in the hands of a monk or cleric, who possess the spiritual discipline necessary to fully harness the staff's potential.

Manufacturing process

As the Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities is a legendary and divine weapon, its manufacturing process is shrouded in mystery and myth. According to some legends, the Jade Ruyi was created by the Jade Emperor himself, using materials and techniques that are beyond mortal understanding.   Other stories suggest that the Jade Ruyi was crafted by a team of celestial artisans, each of whom imbued the staff with their own unique powers and abilities. In this version of the tale, the Jade Ruyi was forged from a combination of rare metals, precious gems, and other sacred materials, including Aetherite Crystals.   While the specifics of the manufacturing process are unknown, it is widely believed that the creation of the Jade Ruyi required a great deal of skill, expertise, and magic. Some scholars speculate that the Jade Ruyi was created using a combination of divine magic and powerful elemental energies, such as the energy of the stars, the sun, or the Moon.   Regardless of the exact process used to create the Jade Ruyi, it is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and legendary weapons in all of Rolara. Its creation is thought to have required the efforts of many powerful beings, and it is revered by followers of The Celestial Administration as a symbol of divine power and authority.


The Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities is an ancient artifact that has been passed down through the generations of celestial rulers in The Celestial Administration of the Universe. It is said that the Ruyi was first crafted by the Jade Totality himself, as a symbol of his power and authority over the Celestial Courts.   As the centuries passed, the Ruyi was passed down from ruler to ruler, each adding their own embellishments and enhancements to the artifact. The High Totality, in particular, was known to have added a series of intricate runes that enhanced the staff's already formidable power.   For a time, the Ruyi was lost to the ages, hidden away in some forgotten corner of the universe. However, it resurfaced during a time of great turmoil and chaos, when the Celestial Administration was threatened by a powerful force from beyond the universe.   The Ruyi was wielded by the Supreme Totality himself, who used its incredible power to vanquish the invading force and save the Celestial Administration from destruction. In the aftermath of the battle, the Supreme Totality decreed that the Ruyi would be placed in the care of the most skilled and virtuous of the Celestial Administrators, to be wielded only in the most dire of circumstances.   Since that time, the Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities has been passed down through the generations of celestial rulers, its power and significance growing with each passing year. Today, it remains a symbol of the might and majesty of the Celestial Administration, a reminder of the incredible power that lies at the heart of the universe itself.


The Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities is significant for multiple reasons. Firstly, it is considered the most powerful weapon in the universe and is believed to be inextricably tied to The Celestial Administration of the universe. Its possession grants immense power and authority to the wielder, making it a coveted artifact for any ambitious ruler or adventurer seeking to gain power.   Moreover, the Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities is a symbol of the balance between the Three Total Ones, the highest deities in the celestial administration of the universe. Its power is said to derive from the harmonious interplay of the three Aetherite Crystals carved to look like yin-yang symbols, which represent the Three Total Ones. The staff's existence is thus a testament to the fundamental principles of balance, harmony, and order that underlie the universe itself.   Finally, the Jade Ruyi of Three Totalities is significant because of its storied history and the many legends and myths associated with it. Countless warriors and rulers have sought the staff throughout the ages, each hoping to claim its power for themselves. Its many owners and the battles fought over it have contributed to its legendary status, making it one of the most storied and sought-after artifacts in all of Rolara.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location


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