Jingling (Jīnglíng)


Jingling (精灵) was a mysterious Archfey. She was addressed by the title Fairy, though she wasn't a Fairy, nor any type of fey creature. According to one legend, she was an Imperial Dragon in the Age of Wonder that took the form of an Elf, or Eladrin. In another legend, she was a wujen of immense magical knowledge and skill, and took her position among the other Archfey by skill and knowledge, instead of by birthright or talent.   She was the Master of Lotus Valley, a place in the Moonwilde where her word was law, and the laws of the valley were known to be strictly followed. There, the Order of Spiritual Masters honed their skills as Monster Tamers. The Spiritual Masters of Lotus Valley attacked and killed anyone who trespassed on the sacred valey. Those who had high levels of spiritual cultivation and could defend themselves could join the Order. They could offer their subservience to Fairy, and could then live and train under the Law of the Lotus Valley.

Divine Domains

Dominion, Obedience, Discipline


Divine Classification
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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