Lucidaeum (/ˌluːsɪˈdeɪ.əm/ • /Loo-si-DAY-um/)

The Lost Eyes of Keraunee

In the shadowy recesses of the Eastern Ocean, Raewyn, a Sea Elf hermit of profound solitude, navigated the intricate coral mazes that served as her sanctuary. Unlike most druids, she carried no staff; her weapon of choice was a scimitar, its blade as sharp as a shark's tooth. With it, she cut through the seaweed that obstructed her path, each slice a poetic motion in the water.   Guided by an unspoken intuition, she ventured into an unexplored underwater cavern. Her scimitar glowed with a soft, ethereal light, illuminating the cave's inner sanctum. There, suspended in the water like a Celestial body, was a lone Lucidaeum. Its tendrils pulsed with an otherworldly light, casting intricate patterns on the cave walls.   In that suspended moment, Raewyn felt an arcane connection with the creature. Its luminescence resonated with her own magical aura, as if echoing the ancient songs of the ocean. She did not name the creature; names would only diminish its cosmic significance. Instead, she recognized it for what it was—a living relic, a last vestige of a species long thought extinct.   As she marveled at the creature, her keen senses detected the approach of predators, likely attracted by the Lucidaeum's radiant glow. Realizing the immediate danger, she unsheathed her scimitar and cut a swath of protective seaweed to encase the creature. With utmost care, she took the Lucidaeum with her, its light dimming to a soft pulse, as if understanding the need for discretion.   From that day forth, Raewyn became the guardian of the last Lucidaeum. She did not seek to own it but to protect it from a world that had almost forgotten its existence. Her scimitar, once a simple tool for survival, became a symbol of her newfound purpose—to safeguard the last light of a species on the brink, and perhaps, to illuminate a path toward redemption for the oceans of Rolara.

Basic Information


The Lucidaeum is a creature of ethereal beauty, designed to captivate both the eye and the imagination. Imagine a Celestial orb suspended in the water, its form resembling a delicate blend of jellyfish and coral. The central body is spherical, about the size of a Human head, and is made of a translucent, gelatinous substance that shimmers with iridescent colors—blues, purples, and silvers that shift and change as it moves.   Radiating from this central body are numerous tendrils, each about a foot long. These tendrils are not uniform but vary in thickness and length, giving the creature an asymmetrical yet harmonious appearance. Each tendril is covered in microscopic cilia, almost invisible to the naked eye, which serve both as a means of locomotion and as a filter for nutrients.   But what truly sets the Lucidaeum apart is its core. At the center of its spherical body is a crystalline structure, about the size of a walnut. This core emits a soft, radiant light that pulses in a rhythm that seems to mimic the heartbeat of the ocean itself. The light is not constant but fluctuates, sometimes glowing bright enough to illuminate a small cavern, and at other times dimming to a mere flicker, as if responding to unseen energies or emotions.   The Lucidaeum's bioluminescence serves multiple functions. It is a form of communication, a way to attract or repel other marine life, and according to some arcane theories, a conduit for the ancient magics that flow through the ocean's depths.  


  Radiating from this core are numerous tendrils, each with its own function. Some tendrils are specialized for locomotion, pulsating rhythmically to propel the Lucidaeum through the water. Others are sensory, equipped with highly sensitive cells that can detect changes in water pressure, temperature, and even magical currents. Yet others serve as feeding appendages, covered in microscopic cilia capable of filtering nutrients from the water.  

Bioluminescent Features

  The most striking feature of the Lucidaeum is its bioluminescence. Each tendril is capable of emitting light, the color and intensity of which can be controlled by the central core. This serves multiple purposes: communication, attracting or repelling other marine life, and even as a form of camouflage against the dark Abyss of the ocean.  

Crystalline Core

  The crystalline core is the nexus of the Lucidaeum's magical abilities. It is believed to be a natural arcane focus, capable of channeling and amplifying magical energy. The core's luminescence is not merely for show; it is a manifestation of the creature's magical essence, and it is this essence that grants the Lucidaeum its unique abilities, such as purifying water and guiding lost souls.  

Symbiotic Relationships

  Interestingly, the Lucidaeum often forms symbiotic relationships with other marine creatures. Smaller fish and even some crustaceans are known to take refuge among its tendrils, gaining protection from predators while providing the Lucidaeum with additional sources of nutrients through their waste.  

Lifespan and Reproduction

  The Lucidaeum are believed to have a long lifespan, though exact details are lost to history. Reproduction is a mystery yet to be unraveled, though some ancient texts suggest that the crystalline core can divide, giving birth to a new Lucidaeum in a form of magical binary fission.

Civilization and Culture


In the annals of Rolara's history, the Lucidaeum were once the radiant sentinels of the ocean's Abyss. They were believed to be the living embodiments of the ocean's soul, their luminescent cores serving as lighthouses for lost spirits and guiding marine life through the treacherous dark waters. Ancient texts speak of their presence as a blessing from the goddess Keraunee, a sign of her favor and protection.   However, as the Sea Elves of Corallion and Atlarion advanced in magical technology, the Lucidaeum became the subject of arcane experiments. Alchemists and mages sought their crystalline cores, believing they held the key to unlocking new dimensions of magical power. This led to a dark period known as the "Harvest of Light," where the Lucidaeum were hunted to near extinction. Their disappearance led to a series of ecological imbalances, affecting not just the marine life but also the spiritual equilibrium of the ocean realms.   The Councils of Coral and Tides, realizing the catastrophic consequences of their actions, declared the hunting of Lucidaeum a capital offense. But the damage was done; the Lucidaeum vanished from common sight, retreating into the hidden depths, their numbers so few they became the stuff of myths and legends.  

The Last Lucidaeum

  It was during this period of their near-mythical status that a Sea Elf Druid, a hermit by nature, stumbled upon what is believed to be the last of the Lucidaeum. This discovery has been kept a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few who are committed to the restoration and protection of this almost-lost species.   The revelation of a surviving Lucidaeum has ignited debates among the Sea Elf councils and scholars. Some see it as a sign of hope and a second chance to right the wrongs of the past, while others fear its existence could reignite the dangerous ambitions that led to their downfall.
Conservation Status
Extinct in the wild
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length


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