Plane of Elemental Earth

Of the Inner Planes it is the Elemental Plane of Earth that is least hospitable to travelers. It consists entirely of earthly materials, such as dirt, stone, gems, and metals. There is no breathable atmosphere, and an intense pressure from all directions prevents caverns and tunnels from lasting longer than a week or two at most.
  Typically, travelers arrive from the Border Ethereal and edge along the plane until they find a place where some magic or force can be applied to allow them entry and travel within. Some spells can bring travelers directly to cities that have enchantments that allow visitors to pass unharmed. Without magical assitance, most humanoid adventurers would likely suffocate in blindness alone upon appearing in the plane, since it is nearly completely solid.
Alternative Name(s)
The Foundation
Plane of Existence
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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