Qamara (/kʌm-ɔrʌ/)

One who defends the Sands

Qamara was the elven deity of the desert, dust, sand and heat. According to research from the illustrious Laboratorium in Tatharia Capitolina led by the late Master Aberran, Qamara was thought to be the source of life in harsh barren deserts.
  In a unique legend, Qamara led the ancient Eladrin children of Banor from the peak of Mount Origin to the Vast Desert. Once they arrived, they despaired at the apparently lifeless and burning sands, and some rebelled against Qamara, fleeing west. Qamara promised those who had faith in him that he would lead them to a safe place where they could build a city unassailable by evil.
  Qamara, along with his most devoted assistants, crafted a node of magical energy that would protect their desert settlement in forever.

Divine Domains

Light, Nature
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Founded Settlements


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