Ring of the Phantom Thief

The Ring of the Phantom Thief was created by Clyde the Antediluvian during his days as a notorious thief. It is said that the ring was imbued with the essence of his own mischievous spirit, allowing the wearer to become invisible and undetectable while stealing items. However, it is also rumored that the ring has a mind of its own and will only allow itself to be worn by those it deems worthy.   The ring was passed down through generations of thieves, eventually falling into the hands of a band of gnomish thieves known as the Shadow Fingers. They used the ring to great effect, but eventually, it was stolen from them by a rival band of thieves and has been lost to history ever since.  

Rules for using the Ring of the Phantom Thief in D&D 5e:


Ring of the Phantom Thief

Ring, very rare (requires attunement)   This ring was created by the infamous Thief of Legends, Clyde, before he settled down in the isolated Dragonborn city of Aikibira. Its unique magic is said to have allowed him to steal anything, no matter how well-guarded or hidden.  


While wearing this ring, you gain the following benefits:  
  • Phantom Stealing. Once per long rest, you can attempt to steal an object that is within your line of sight, regardless of any barriers, protections, or guards that may be present. You must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to steal the object. On a failed check, the object cannot be stolen for the next 24 hours, and the ring's magic cannot be used again until then.
  • Invisibility to Sensors. While wearing the ring, you are invisible to magical and non-magical detection methods, including but not limited to scrying, divination spells, and traps that rely on sensors (such as alarms or glyphs of warding).


The Ring of the Phantom Thief also carries a curse that binds the wearer to a life of crime and deceit. Any character attuned to the ring must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw every week or become more inclined to commit theft, fraud, or other unlawful acts. Additionally, any attempts to remove the ring without proper magical aid will fail, as it will reappear on the wearer's finger shortly after being taken off.  


To learn more about the Ring of the Phantom Thief, a character can make a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or seek out someone with knowledge of legendary thieves and their heists. Characters who have heard of Clyde the Antediluvian may also recognize the ring and its history.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Artifact (requires attunement)


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