
God of Tyranny

The Tyrant God Tyrathor (a.k.a. Vorgathrax the Unyielding)

The Inexorable Eclipse


A Fist of Iron Grips Your Soul

  In the darkest recesses of the cosmos, where light fears to tread and time bends in obeisance, there exists a throne. Not just any throne, but a seat of unimaginable horror and majesty, forged from the tormented souls of conquered realms. Upon this throne sits Vorgathrax, the Cosmic Tyrant, his ashen skin a canvas of malevolence, his eyes pools of molten gold that seethe with Aetheric Radiance.   His gaze pierces the veil of reality itself, each beam of light a harbinger of doom that never misses its mark. The very air around him is thick with despair, as if the universe itself is suffocating in his presence. His armor, a dark carapace of unknown cosmic metal, seems to absorb the light, casting an aura of impenetrable darkness around him. From his back sprout wings, so black they appear as voids in the fabric of existence, swallowing all hope and light.   Vorgathrax contemplates, and in that moment of dreadful introspection, entire civilizations teeter on the brink of annihilation. His mind, a labyrinth of cunning and malevolence, schemes in ways unfathomable to mortal or god. He is the embodiment of tyranny, the antithesis of freedom, a dark star around which the fates of countless worlds orbit, inexorably drawn toward a future of subjugation and despair.   He rises, and the universe trembles.

Divine Domains


The Iron Fist of Cosmic Rule
  The domain of Tyranny is the most prominent and defining aspect of Vorgathrax's divine influence. It encompasses not just the act of ruling with an iron fist, but also the subtler arts of manipulation, coercion, and psychological control. Clerics and warlocks who pledge themselves to Vorgathrax often gain abilities that allow them to dominate the wills of others, instill fear, and suppress resistance. Temples dedicated to this domain are often hidden fortresses, impenetrable to those who do not know the secret rites and incantations.  


The Yoke of Despair
  While Tyranny focuses on the exercise of power, the domain of Oppression is concerned with the effects of that power on the subjugated. It is the art of keeping the conquered in a state of perpetual despair, stripping them of hope and the will to resist. Dark rituals in this domain often involve the sacrifice of sentient beings, their souls offered to Vorgathrax to fuel his ever-growing might.  

Cosmic Manipulation

The Fabric of Reality
  The least understood of Vorgathrax's domains, Cosmic Manipulation involves the bending and twisting of the very fabric of reality to serve his ends. It is through this domain that Vorgathrax wields his unique cosmic energy, Aetheric Radiance. Those who delve into the mysteries of Cosmic Manipulation often find themselves walking a fine line, as the power it offers is immense, but the cost can be one's very soul.


The artifacts associated with Vorgathrax, once known as Tyrathor, are as enigmatic as the deity himself. These relics are imbued with dark enchantments and cosmic energies, serving as conduits for his malevolent influence. They are often sought after by power-hungry warlords, arcane scholars, and even desperate heroes willing to risk corruption for a chance at victory. Below is an overview of the most significant artifacts attributed to Vorgathrax.  

Scepter of Subjugation

  • Description: The Scepter of Subjugation is a rod of obsidian, approximately three feet in length, adorned with dark gems that seem to absorb light. A crown encircled by chains—the symbol of Vorgathrax—is etched into its surface.
  • Powers: The scepter grants its wielder the ability to bend the will of others, effectively turning them into obedient thralls. However, the scepter also slowly corrupts the user, binding them to Vorgathrax's malevolent will.
  • History: This artifact was discovered in ancient ruins bearing the name Tyrathor. It has been used in numerous regime changes, always leaving a trail of tyranny in its wake.

Tome of Despotic Lore

  • Description: Bound in what appears to be Human skin, the Tome of Despotic Lore is filled with arcane writings that detail rituals, spells, and philosophies centered around tyranny and oppression.
  • Powers: Reading from the tome grants arcane knowledge that can enhance one's magical abilities, but at the cost of one's moral integrity. The spells within are potent but dark, often requiring sacrifices or other morally questionable acts.
  • History: The tome is said to have been penned by the first high priest of Tyrathor and has been passed down through secretive cults dedicated to Vorgathrax.

Chains of Eternal Bondage

  • Description: These chains are forged from an unknown cosmic metal, similar to Vorgathrax's armor. They are unbreakable and seem to grow or shrink to fit any being they are used on.
  • Powers: The chains can bind any creature, mortal or divine, stripping them of their willpower and making them susceptible to mental manipulation. They are also said to drain the life force of those they bind, transferring it to the wielder.
  • History: Legends say these chains were used by Vorgathrax himself to bind Celestial beings whose divine energy he consumed. They were lost to history but are rumored to be hidden in a labyrinthine dungeon guarded by monstrous creations of Vorgathrax.

Crown of the Cosmic Tyrant

  • Description: A crown of dark metal, adorned with gems that resemble miniature galaxies, constantly shifting and swirling.
  • Powers: The crown grants its wearer immense cosmic power, including the ability to manipulate time and space to a limited extent. However, the crown also links the wearer's mind directly to Vorgathrax, making them susceptible to his influence.
  • History: The crown is said to be a physical manifestation of Vorgathrax's own will, created from the cosmic fabric of his realm. It has never been possessed by a mortal, and its whereabouts are unknown.

Holy Books & Codes

The worship of Vorgathrax, the God of Tyranny, has given rise to a body of literature that serves as both religious texts and philosophical treatises on the nature of power and subjugation. These texts are considered sacred by his followers and are often used in rituals, as well as for the indoctrination of new acolytes. Below are some of the most significant works:  
  1. The Codex of Chains

      The primary holy book of Vorgathrax's faith, the Codex of Chains, is a comprehensive guide to the tenets, rituals, and philosophies that underpin the worship of the Cosmic Tyrant. It is said to have been penned by the first High Priest of Vorgathrax, a figure shrouded in mystery and known only as "The Chainbearer." The Codex delves into the intricate rituals required to appease Vorgathrax and outlines the moral and ethical frameworks that justify tyranny and oppression.
  3. The Tome of Despotic Lore

      Unearthed from ancient ruins bearing the original name of Vorgathrax, "Tyrathor," this text is a compendium of arcane knowledge and dark spells. It is believed to have been written by the ancient alchemists and sorcerers who first served Vorgathrax. The Tome of Despotic Lore is a sought-after artifact, and its possession is said to grant immense power, albeit at great personal cost.
  5. The Annals of Subjugation

      This text serves as a historical account of Vorgathrax's interventions in the mortal realm. Written by various scholars and clerics over the centuries, it documents regime changes, wars, and other significant events that are believed to have been orchestrated by Vorgathrax. The Annals are continually updated, and new volumes are added as more is revealed about the deity's influence on worldly affairs.
  7. The Litanies of the Soul-Eater

      A collection of hymns, prayers, and invocations, the Litanies of the Soul-Eater are often recited during rituals and ceremonies dedicated to Vorgathrax. These verses are believed to have been inspired by divine messengers and are considered potent tools for channeling the deity's cosmic energy.
  9. The Lexicon of Cosmic Radiance

      This esoteric text focuses on the unique cosmic energy known as Aetheric Radiance, wielded by Vorgathrax. It explores its origins, properties, and applications, both in rituals and in the broader cosmic battles that Vorgathrax engages in. The Lexicon is considered a highly advanced text, accessible only to the most devoted and knowledgeable followers.
  11. The Scrolls of Eternal Oppression

      These scrolls are a collection of philosophical essays that explore the nature of tyranny, power, and subjugation from a cosmic perspective. They are often cited by scholars and theologians who seek to understand the deeper motivations and philosophies that drive Vorgathrax and his followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Crown of Tyranny

  • Description: A meticulously crafted crown, often depicted in dark metal, adorned with spikes or gemstones.
  • Usage: Represents Vorgathrax's dominion over realms and his insatiable desire to rule.
  • Context: Commonly used in rituals and ceremonies dedicated to Vorgathrax, also found etched into the armor and weapons of his followers.

The Encircling Chains

  • Description: Chains that encircle the Crown of Tyranny, often shown as broken or fragmented at various points.
  • Usage: Symbolizes the oppressive nature of Vorgathrax's rule and his ability to bind the wills of mortals and gods alike.
  • Context: Frequently used in conjunction with the Crown of Tyranny, especially in holy texts and secret gatherings.

Beams of Aetheric Radiance

  • Description: Rays of white-hot light, usually depicted as emanating from an eye or a gemstone.
  • Usage: Denotes the unique cosmic energy wielded by Vorgathrax, known as Aetheric Radiance.
  • Context: Often found in artistic representations of Vorgathrax, as well as in the design of magical artifacts dedicated to him.

The Soul Chalice

  • Description: A dark goblet or chalice, often shown as overflowing with a nebulous substance.
  • Usage: Represents Vorgathrax's ability to consume the divine energy of other Celestial beings.
  • Context: Primarily used in rituals that involve the offering of souls or divine energy.

The Cosmic Void

  • Description: A circle or sphere, usually black or dark blue, sometimes depicted with stars or cosmic phenomena within it.
  • Usage: Symbolizes the dark, twisted dimension where Vorgathrax resides, known as the "Throne of Subjugation."
  • Context: Commonly used in temple architecture and in the crafting of portals or gateways to other dimensions.

The Scepter of Subjugation

  • Description: A rod or scepter, often shown with a clenched fist at the top.
  • Usage: An artifact associated with Vorgathrax, symbolizing his unyielding control and authority.
  • Context: Found in ancient ruins and texts, sometimes used in modern rituals to signify the act of subjugation.

The Sigil of Tyrathor

  • Description: An ancient rune or glyph, often complex and intricate.
  • Usage: Represents Vorgathrax's original name and identity as Tyrathor.
  • Context: Predominantly found in ancient ruins and texts, its appearance in modern times often sparks debates among scholars and followers alike.
  Each of these symbols and sigils serves a specific purpose in the worship and representation of Vorgathrax, the God of Tyranny. They are integral to understanding the complex theology and ritual practices associated with this malevolent deity.

Tenets of Faith

  1. The Doctrine of Absolute Obedience

      The first and foremost tenet of faith for followers of Vorgathrax is the principle of Absolute Obedience. It is the bedrock upon which the dark cathedral of Vorgathrax's worship is built. Followers are expected to obey the will of their malevolent deity without question, hesitation, or moral quandary. This obedience is not merely a form of servitude; it is a sacred act, a ritualistic offering of one's will to the Cosmic Tyrant. It is believed that such unwavering loyalty is the key to ascending the Celestial hierarchy in the afterlife, transforming into either a Solar or Seraphim Angel.
  3. The Creed of Subjugation

      The second tenet, the Creed of Subjugation, is an extension of the first. Followers are not just expected to obey; they are encouraged to make others obey. The strong have not just the right, but the divine duty to rule over the weak. This is often interpreted as a call to political and military action, leading to the rise of despotic rulers and warlords who claim Vorgathrax as their patron deity. The spread of tyranny is seen as a holy mission, a way to extend the dark shadow of Vorgathrax's influence across the lands.
  5. The Sanctity of Suffering

      The third tenet, the Sanctity of Suffering, delves into the domain of Oppression. Followers believe that the suffering of the oppressed adds to Vorgathrax's cosmic power. Rituals often involve the sacrifice of sentient beings, their souls offered up to fuel the deity's ever-growing might. This is not mere cruelty; it is a form of worship, a way to commune with the deity and partake in his divine essence.
  7. The Mastery of Cosmic Forces

      The fourth tenet is the Mastery of Cosmic Forces, a principle derived from Vorgathrax's domain of Cosmic Manipulation. Followers are encouraged to study the arcane arts, to delve into the mysteries of the cosmos, and to bend these forces to their will. The harnessing and utilization of Aetheric Radiance, the unique cosmic energy wielded by Vorgathrax, is considered a sacred act, a way to emulate the deity and bring his plans to fruition.
  9. The Ritual of Soul Harvesting

      The fifth and final tenet is the Ritual of Soul Harvesting. This is the most esoteric of the tenets, known only to the initiated. It involves the collection of souls through dark rituals, providing the raw material for Vorgathrax's grand designs. The souls are purified of the sin of disobedience and transformed into celestial beings, thereby perpetuating the cycle of tyranny and oppression.
  In the shadowed corridors of Vorgathrax's hidden temples, these tenets are whispered like dark prayers, each one a step on the path to eternal servitude or celestial power. They form the core philosophy of a faith that is as complex as it is malevolent, offering both the allure of cosmic might and the dread of eternal subjugation. To follow Vorgathrax is to walk a razor's edge between unimaginable power and the loss of one's very soul—a path that many are willing to tread, lured by the promise of ascending the celestial hierarchy in the service of the Cosmic Tyrant.


The Day of Unyielding Chains

  The Day of Unyielding Chains is a dark and ominous holiday, celebrated on the darkest night of the year, typically falling on a deep winter's night when both moons of Rolara are new. This holiday is dedicated to Vorgathrax, the Cosmic Tyrant and God of Tyranny. It is a day that both fascinates and terrifies, drawing a veil of dread over the lands as the faithful and the fearful alike prepare for its observance.  
Historical Context
  The Day of Unyielding Chains traces its origins back to ancient times when Vorgathrax was worshipped as Tyrathor. The holiday was designed to commemorate the deity's eternal quest for cosmic subjugation, a night when the chains of tyranny are said to tighten around the realms, both mortal and divine. With the re-ignition of the Stars of Power, the holiday has seen a resurgence, its dark rituals and vile practices becoming more elaborate and its influence spreading like a shadow across Rolara.  
Rituals and Observances
  The rituals performed on this night are as complex as they are unsettling. Temples dedicated to Vorgathrax, usually hidden from the public eye, become the epicenters of activity. The faithful gather in these dark sanctuaries, their faces obscured by masks resembling the God of Tyranny's fearsome visage. A common ritual involves the forging of miniature chains, each link inscribed with arcane symbols. These chains are then used to bind effigies representing the enemies of Vorgathrax, symbolizing his ever-expanding dominion.   Sacrifices are a grim but integral part of the observance. Sentient beings, often prisoners or enemies of the faith, are offered up to Vorgathrax. Their screams pierce the night as their souls are torn from their bodies, believed to be consumed by the deity to fuel his dark powers.  
  The Day of Unyielding Chains is rich in symbolism. The absence of moonlight represents the extinguishing of hope and freedom, while the cold of deep winter symbolizes the chilling effect of tyranny on the soul. The chains forged during the rituals serve as both literal and metaphorical instruments of bondage, embodying Vorgathrax's insatiable desire to subjugate all realms.  
Cultural Impact
  While the holiday is primarily observed by the followers of Vorgathrax, its impact is felt across Rolara. Many see it as a night of bad omens and prefer to stay indoors, fortifying their homes with protective charms and spells. Even those who do not believe in Vorgathrax find themselves whispering prayers to other deities, seeking their protection from the malevolent forces that roam freely on this darkest of nights.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Manifest Agenda of Subjugation

Universal Domination
  The most overt ambition of Vorgathrax is his insatiable desire for universal domination. His malevolent gaze is not limited to the realm of Rolara; it extends across dimensions, seeking to subjugate all beings under his tyrannical rule. This goal is not merely a whim but a calculated strategy to amass an unprecedented reservoir of divine and mortal power.  
Disruption of Cosmic Balance
  Vorgathrax aims to disrupt the cosmic balance maintained by other deities, particularly his Celestial rivals like Kylder, the sky god. By sowing chaos and instigating conflicts, he weakens the structural integrity of other divine domains, making them more susceptible to his influence.  
Accumulation of Divine Energy
  One of Vorgathrax's more insidious goals is the accumulation of divine energy through the consumption of other celestial beings. This act not only strengthens him but also weakens the cosmic fabric, making it easier for him to exert his will upon the realms.  

The Hidden Machinations of the Eternal Oppressor

The Unsealing of the Stars of Power
  Though it may appear that the re-ignition of the Stars of Power would be a boon for Vorgathrax, ancient texts hint at a deeper, more clandestine objective. The Cosmic Tyrant seeks to unseal these celestial bodies fully, unlocking their primordial energies for his own dark purposes.  
The Resurrection of Tyrathor
  Vorgathrax was once known as Tyrathor in ancient times, a name associated with an even darker aspect of his being. It is whispered among scholars of forbidden lore that he aims to resurrect this ancient identity, believing it to hold the key to powers even he has yet to fully comprehend.  
The Codex of Chains
  The existence of a holy book known as the "Codex of Chains" is a closely guarded secret among Vorgathrax's most devout followers. This tome is said to contain rituals and incantations that can bind the very essence of realms, making them subservient to his will. His ultimate goal is to complete this unholy scripture, thereby gaining the ability to chain entire worlds to his throne.  
The Eclipse of All Light
  Though it may sound paradoxical for a deity who wields beams of Aetheric Radiance, Vorgathrax harbors the secret ambition to eclipse all forms of light—both literal and metaphorical. This is not merely an aesthetic choice but a strategic one; in a universe devoid of light, his own radiant power would become the ultimate beacon, irresistibly drawing all beings toward his malevolent influence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vorgathrax looms like a storm cloud on the verge of unleashing chaos, his towering form an ashen monolith of malevolent might. His eyes, molten Gold orbs, are the epicenters of a cosmic tempest, radiating beams of Aetheric Radiance that spell doom for all they touch. No ailments or afflictions mar this god of tyranny; he is the embodiment of oppressive power, as unyielding and merciless as a glacier grinding mountains to dust.

Body Features

Vorgathrax is a figure of towering malevolence, a deity whose very presence seems to darken the skies and chill the air. Standing at a height that dwarfs even the mightiest of giants, his form is an awe-inspiring spectacle of cosmic dread. His skin is the color of storm clouds on the verge of bursting, an ashen gray that seems to absorb light and hope alike. This skin stretches taut over a muscular frame, each sinew and tendon appearing as if carved from the bedrock of malevolence itself.   His eyes are perhaps his most unsettling feature: orbs of molten Gold that seem to hold the fires of distant, dying stars. These eyes are not merely for seeing; they are conduits for his unique cosmic energy, Aetheric Radiance. When provoked, these golden orbs emit beams of white-hot light, a radiance so intense it can disintegrate almost anything it touches. The eyes are set deeply into a stern, unyielding face, framed by high cheekbones and a jawline as sharp as a blade. His mouth is a thin line, rarely given to smiles or expressions of joy; it is a mouth that speaks only commands, never requests.   Adorning his imposing form is armor unlike any forged by mortal hands. It is composed of an unknown cosmic metal, dark as the Void between stars yet shimmering with an otherworldly luster. The armor seems to be an extension of Vorgathrax himself, clinging to his body as if grown rather than worn. Intricate patterns are etched into the metal, arcane symbols that pulse with a subtle, menacing energy.   From his back sprout wings of pure darkness, so black they seem to absorb light itself. These wings are not feathered but rather appear as extensions of the cosmic void, a darkness so absolute it defies comprehension. When unfurled, they stretch wide, casting a shadow that feels like an oppressive weight upon the soul.

Special abilities

Aetheric Radiance

  One of Vorgathrax's most fearsome abilities is the manipulation of Aetheric Radiance, a unique form of cosmic energy. This energy manifests as white-hot beams of light that shoot from his molten Gold eyes. These beams are unerring, capable of striking down even the most elusive targets. The Aetheric Radiance has the power to disintegrate almost anything it touches, making it a weapon of unparalleled destruction.  

Divine Energy Consumption

  Vorgathrax possesses the rare and terrifying ability to consume the divine energy of other Celestial beings. This act not only weakens his rivals but also strengthens him, adding to his already formidable power. The process is often described as a form of "soul-eating," where the essence of the celestial being is absorbed into Vorgathrax, fueling his malevolent schemes.  

Cosmic Manipulation

  Vorgathrax has a mastery over cosmic forces that allows him to bend reality to his will. This includes the ability to create pocket dimensions, manipulate time on a localized scale, and even alter the fabric of reality itself. This power is often used to create his realm, the "Throne of Subjugation," and to exert his influence over the mortal world.  

Mental Domination

  Though less frequently employed, Vorgathrax has the ability to dominate the minds of lesser beings. This mental domination is often used to corrupt leaders, instigate wars, and perpetuate cycles of oppression in the mortal realms. The range and effectiveness of this ability are not fully understood but are believed to be considerable.  

Immunity to Mortal Weapons

  Vorgathrax's celestial form is impervious to conventional mortal weaponry. Swords, arrows, and even magical attacks have little to no effect on him. This near-invulnerability makes him an almost insurmountable foe, capable of wading through battlefields unscathed.  

Aura of Despair

  Vorgathrax emanates an aura of despair that weakens the resolve of those in his immediate vicinity. This aura is so potent that it can cause even the bravest warriors to lose heart, making them easier to subdue or manipulate. The aura extends from his being like a dark cloud, sapping the willpower of all who come into contact with it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the annals of Rolara's Celestial history, few figures loom as ominously as Vorgathrax, once worshipped under the ancient name Tyrathor. His story is a tapestry woven from the darkest threads of cosmic lore and mortal fear, a narrative that spans epochs and transcends realms.  

The Age of Tyrathor

  In an era lost to antiquity, when the Stars of Power still blazed in the heavens, the deity known as Tyrathor emerged as a venerated figure. He was worshipped by ancient civilizations that have long since crumbled to dust, their grandeur forgotten but for the ruins that bear his original name. Tyrathor was a god of governance and control, albeit one that leaned toward authoritarian rule. His temples were grand edifices of dark stone, where priests in obsidian robes chanted hymns that extolled the virtues of order at any cost.  

The Epoch of Miracles and the Sealing of the Stars

  When the Stars of Power were sealed away to prevent their corrupting influence, Tyrathor's worship waned. The Epoch of Miracles saw the rise of new gods and heroes who championed freedom and justice, values that were anathema to the god of tyranny. His temples fell into disrepair, and his name became a whispered legend, a cautionary tale told to frighten disobedient children.  

The Rebirth as Vorgathrax

  The re-ignition of the Stars of Power heralded a new era, not just for the mortal realms but for the celestial beings who watched over them. Tyrathor seized this cosmic upheaval as an opportunity for reinvention. Shedding his ancient name like a snake sheds its skin, he re-emerged as Vorgathrax, a deity reborn and redefined, now wielding the terrifying power of Aetheric Radiance.  

The Modern Era and the Resurgence of Tyranny

  In the current age, Vorgathrax has regained much of his lost influence. His new form is a terrifying visage that embodies the very essence of tyranny. His resurgence has been marked by a series of regime changes across Rolara, each accompanied by the mysterious appearance of his symbols. Temples once buried under the sands of time have been unearthed, and a new generation of followers chant his name in hidden sanctuaries.


Among the most awe-inspiring and terrifying aspects of Vorgathrax, the Cosmic Tyrant, is his innate cosmic knowledge and the ability to perceive the fundamental mechanics of the universe as they occur. This attribute elevates him beyond mere tyranny and into the realm of cosmic manipulation, making him a deity of unparalleled complexity and danger.  

The Tapestry of Reality

A Loom in the Mind of Vorgathrax
  Vorgathrax perceives the universe not as a series of disconnected events or entities but as an intricate tapestry woven from the threads of cosmic energy, time, and matter. To him, the universe is an ever-changing loom upon which the fates of realms and beings are woven, and he is both the weaver and the needle. His understanding transcends the limitations of mortal cognition, allowing him to see the interconnectedness of all things, from the tiniest subatomic particles to the vast expanses of interstellar voids.  

The Mechanics of the Cosmos

A Symphony Only He Hears
  The Cosmic Tyrant hears the silent symphony of the universe, a cacophony of cosmic strings vibrating in harmonious discord. He understands the fundamental forces that govern the mechanics of the cosmos—gravity, electromagnetism, and even forces yet unknown to mortal scholars. This knowledge grants him the ability to manipulate these forces to some extent, bending them to his malevolent will. It is this mastery over the cosmic symphony that allows him to wield his unique energy, the Aetheric Radiance, with such devastating precision.  

The Flow of Time

A River He Seeks to Dam
  Vorgathrax's perception extends even to the elusive river of time, a domain that has often put him at odds with the Time Deity of Rolara. While he cannot fully control or alter the flow of time, his understanding of its mechanics grants him a form of precognition. He can anticipate the ripples and currents in the river of time, using this knowledge to lay traps for his enemies and to orchestrate events in his favor. However, his inability to fully master time is a source of eternal vexation, a thorn in his otherwise unassailable understanding of the cosmos.  

The Consumption of Divine Energy

A Feast Only He Can Relish
  Perhaps the most chilling manifestation of his cosmic knowledge is his ability to consume the divine energy of other Celestial beings. Vorgathrax understands the metaphysical composition of divine essence in a way that no other deity does. He can unravel the threads of another god's being, absorbing them into his own tapestry, thereby increasing his own power while diminishing that of his rivals.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Celestial Duel with Kylder

  One of the most significant failures in Vorgathrax's cosmic history was his celestial duel with Kylder, the sky god. In an audacious attempt to usurp Kylder's dominion over the heavens, Vorgathrax unleashed a torrent of Aetheric Radiance, aiming to obliterate the sky god's celestial palace. However, Kylder, ever vigilant, countered with a storm of divine lightning that not only deflected Vorgathrax's attack but also struck him with such force that he was banished temporarily from the celestial realms. This event is often cited as a monumental embarrassment for the God of Tyranny, a rare moment where his insatiable ambition was thwarted.  

The Time Loop Conundrum

  Vorgathrax's vexation with the Time Deity of Rolara reached a pinnacle when he found himself ensnared in a time loop. Intent on altering the course of history to favor his tyrannical agenda, Vorgathrax attempted to manipulate the fabric of time itself. However, the Time Deity, sensing the disturbance, trapped Vorgathrax in a loop where he was forced to relive his most significant failures repeatedly. It took considerable cosmic energy and cunning for Vorgathrax to break free, but the damage to his ego was irrevocable.  

The Fall of the Cult of Tyrathor

  Before the Stars of Power were extinguished, Vorgathrax was worshipped under the name Tyrathor. During this epoch, a powerful cult dedicated to his worship rose to prominence, gaining significant political influence. However, internal strife and corruption led to the cult's downfall, an event that significantly weakened Tyrathor's influence in the mortal realm. The collapse of the cult is considered one of his most significant failures, a dark chapter in his history that he has strived to erase from mortal memory.  

The Loss of the Scepter of Subjugation

  In an ancient battle against a coalition of celestial beings, Vorgathrax wielded the Scepter of Subjugation, a powerful artifact that amplified his cosmic abilities. However, during the battle, the scepter was wrested from his grasp and subsequently lost in the cosmic Void. The loss of this artifact significantly weakened Vorgathrax's power and remains a sore point in his celestial narrative.  

The Rebellion of the Enslaved Souls

  Within his dark realm, the Throne of Subjugation, Vorgathrax keeps a throne made of the souls he has conquered. In a rare event, a group of these souls managed to form a brief but potent rebellion, disrupting the very essence of his throne. Though the rebellion was swiftly crushed, the fact that it occurred at all is a testament to a chink in his otherwise impenetrable armor of tyranny.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles


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