Wingless Wonder

An Alkada (a.k.a. Walking Egg)

The Unplanned Flight of Wobble the Wingless Wonder

  Wobble the Alkada had always been a curious sort, even by Alkada standards. His days were filled with waddling explorations and tentacle proddings, his life a never-ending quest to find out if things were edible. But on one fateful day, Wobble's curiosity led him to a dormant arcane geyser, a magical fountain known for its unpredictable eruptions of arcane energy.   As Wobble approached the geyser, his anti-magic shell flickered like a disco ball at a Wizard's soiree. He extended a tentacle to poke the geyser, perhaps wondering if it tasted like blueberries or, better yet, sparkly blueberries.   Just as his tentacle made contact, the arcane geyser erupted with a plume of magical energy, launching Wobble high into the air. For a brief, glorious moment, Wobble experienced the sensation of flight, his stubby arms flapping in a futile but endearing attempt to navigate the skies.   As he soared through the air, his anti-magic shell pulsated, as if enjoying the ride. His large, sad-looking eyes widened in what could only be described as surprised curiosity, a look that said, "Well, this is new."   Finally, gravity remembered its job and Wobble began his descent. He landed with a soft thud, cushioned by his rubbery hoof-shaped pads. For a moment, he sat there, his tentacles wiggling as if contemplating the philosophical implications of his adventure. Then, with a high-pitched chitter, he waddled off, perhaps in search of another arcane geyser or, more likely, something sparkly to eat.

Basic Information


The Alkadas are a study in arcane biology, a living testament to the mutable and unpredictable nature of wild Magic. At first glance, they appear as walking ovoid shapes, their forms a blend of the comical and the grotesque. Standing at a height of 4 feet, they waddle on two feeble legs that end in hoof-shaped pads of a sticky, rubbery texture. These pads grant them an uncanny ability to adhere to surfaces, whether they be the slick walls of an arcane geyser or the steep inclines of the Arcane Wilds' treacherous terrain.   Their arms, though stubby, are in a constant state of flapping, as if engaged in a futile attempt to defy gravity. The skin covering their bodies is a delicate membrane, tinged blue-green with a purplish underside. When agitated, their hue shifts to a subtle reddish tone, though whether this indicates anger or excitement is a mystery locked behind their inscrutable visages.   The Alkadas' heads are crowned with a ring of nine worm-like tentacles, each capable of extending from 2 to 12 feet. These tentacles serve multiple functions: they are prehensile appendages that aid in locomotion and food acquisition, and they can extrude a bony hook for better grip or to fend off attackers. At the center of this ring lies a powerful beak, capable of snapping and grinding a variety of foods, from arcane flora to small fauna.   Their eyes, large and melancholic, are a study in limitations. They are shortsighted, their range of vision varying from as little as 0.5 inches to a maximum of 10 feet. This limited sight is consistent in both natural vision and infravision, making them creatures of the immediate, their world defined by the here and now.   One of the most unsettling aspects of the Alkadas is their skin's inability to heal at the same rate as their bodies. This results in numerous open wounds that never fully close, leaving a trail of blood wherever they go. Yet, these wounds seem to cause them no apparent distress, adding another layer to their already complex and enigmatic nature.   Their vocalizations are limited to high-pitched chittering, a sound that echoes through the Arcane Wilds like the dissonant notes of an arcane symphony. It is a call that is both a warning and an invitation, a sound that encapsulates the paradox that is the Alkada.

Ecology and Habitats

In the ever-shifting landscape of the Arcane Wilds, where the boundaries between the magical and the mundane blur into indistinct horizons, the Alkadas have carved out a niche that is as enigmatic as they are. They are the arcane nomads of this frontier, their habitats dictated by the whimsical and often volatile nature of the land itself.  

Optimal Environment

  The Alkadas find sanctuary in the dormant arcane geysers that dot the landscape. These geysers serve as both a source of sustenance and a temporary home. Rich in concentrated arcane energy, they provide the Alkadas with the nourishment they require to sustain their magical physiologies. However, the geysers are as unpredictable as the land itself, and a sudden eruption can displace an Wingless Wonder, forcing it to seek a new dwelling. This transient lifestyle has shaped their ecology, making them creatures of movement and change.  

Interaction with Habitat

  The Alkadas are not mere inhabitants of the Arcane Wilds; they are active participants in its ever-changing tapestry. During Mana Storms, they serve as stabilizing agents, absorbing and channeling the raw magical energy to prevent it from spiraling into destructive chaos. They are the arcane balancers in a land of extremes, their presence a subtle but vital force that maintains the equilibrium of this magical ecosystem.   Yet, they are also creatures of caution. Despite their affinity for the arcane, they avoid the Veil Echoes, pockets of altered reality that even their inscrutable natures find too perilous to navigate. They are the arcane's chosen, but even they have their limits.  

Ecological Impact

  The Alkadas' unique physiology and magical abilities have a profound impact on their environment. Their constant movement and interaction with various arcane phenomena contribute to the Arcane Wilds' mutable nature. They are the question marks in an already complex equation, their actions and reactions adding new variables to an ever-changing landscape.   Their presence is a double-edged sword for the other inhabitants of the Arcane Wilds. On one hand, their ability to stabilize Mana Storms makes them invaluable. On the other, their inscrutable motives and unpredictable behavior make them a wild card in the ecological deck, their actions often as baffling as they are impactful.


In the Arcane Wilds, the Wingless Wonders are enigmatic wanderers, their behavior a paradoxical blend of curiosity and obliviousness. They are the arcane sphinxes of this realm, their actions a series of arcane rituals and high-pitched chittering that serve purposes known only to them.  

Intraspecies Interaction

  A Wingless Wonder typically wanders alone, but occasionally they are seen in mated pairs. Their social structure is a fluid tapestry of transient interactions, bound by an unspoken understanding and a shared language of gestures and vocalizations. No sane Alkada would engage in combat with another of its kind. In the rare event of an Alkada's death, its kin would cannibalize it, but only when certain of its demise—usually when decomposition has set in.  

Curiosity and Fearlessness

  Endlessly curious yet seemingly devoid of fear or common sense, Alkadas touch everything they encounter with their tentacles. This tactile exploration serves multiple purposes: navigation, investigation, and most frequently, determining edibility. They are particularly drawn to bright red or purple hues, flashy items like gems, and anything that sparkles or catches the light. Such items they often swallow, adding another layer of complexity to their already enigmatic nature.  

Obliviousness to Danger

  Despite their curiosity, Alkadas are remarkably oblivious to their surroundings when it comes to danger. They have been observed waddling blithely across raging battlefields and through Dragon's fiery breath, seemingly unconcerned by the chaos unfolding around them. However, they are not entirely without preferences; they display a distinct aversion to loud noises, haste, violence, and death.  

Psychological Complexity

  The Alkadas are creatures of impenetrable motives, their actions governed by an internal logic that defies Human understanding. It is as if they are under the constant effect of a Mind Blank spell, their thoughts and emotions locked behind an impenetrable psychic barrier. This makes them a subject of both fascination and frustration for scholars and adventurers alike, their minds a locked chest to which no one has the key.  

Wandering and Memory

  While they seem to enjoy wandering aimlessly, Alkadas do have favorite spots that they return to. Despite their limited vision, they possess an uncanny ability to traverse vast distances to revisit these locations, their memories serving as arcane compasses in a land where true north is ever-shifting.

Additional Information


In some regions, people have erected "wonder pens" within large, walled gardens. Here, Alkadas are kept and fed with kitchen scraps, offal, and plant matter. While this may seem like a form of domestication, it is more akin to a symbiotic relationship. The Alkadas are content to consume the waste, and in return, their presence serves as a living gauge for magical activity.  

Not Domestication, but Symbiosis

  It's crucial to clarify that the Alkadas are not domesticated in the traditional sense. They do not undergo selective breeding for specific traits, nor are they trained to perform tasks. Their presence in wonder pens is not the result of Human mastery over nature but a mutually beneficial arrangement. The Alkadas receive a steady supply of food and a relatively safe environment, while humans gain a valuable indicator of magical phenomena.  

Life Expectancy and Survival

  In the wild, the average life expectancy of an Alkada is less than two years. Their ostensible immunity to Magic is often the only thing that keeps them alive in an environment teeming with arcane dangers. In contrast, those kept in wonder pens regularly live to be 5-8 years of age, depending on diet and habitat. This increased longevity in captivity suggests that the symbiotic relationship is beneficial for the Alkadas, at least in terms of survival.  

Ethical Considerations Revisited

  Given that the Alkadas are not sapient, the ethical considerations surrounding their presence in wonder pens are less complex than initially thought. However, it's worth noting that their non-sapient status does not absolve humans of the responsibility to provide them with appropriate care and humane treatment.  

Future of Alkada-Human Interactions

  As our understanding of Alkadas and their unique properties grows, so too may the ways in which they are integrated into human society. Research is ongoing to understand the full extent of their magical immunity and whether this trait can be harnessed in other ways that benefit both the Alkadas and the communities that host them.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In a world where every creature and plant often has a use, whether in arcane rituals or mundane crafts, the Alkadas stand as a perplexing exception. Their very nature defies exploitation, their bodies a closed system that resists any attempts to harness their unique properties.  

Limited Edibility

  The flesh of an Alkada is a dangerous indulgence. Consuming it results in a bout of stomach-wrenching nausea, a visceral reminder of the creature's incompatibility with conventional biology. They are not a source of sustenance; they are a cautionary tale in the dangers of arcane consumption.  

Ephemeral Anti-Magical Traits

  One of the most tantalizing aspects of the Alkadas is their innate anti-magical properties. Yet, these traits are as elusive as the creatures themselves. Upon death, their bodies lose these properties, rendering them useless for arcane rituals or magical crafts. Even when parts are severed from a living Alkada, they lose their anti-magical traits almost immediately.  

Short-Lived Hide

  Their hide, while not particularly durable, does offer temporary utility. It can be used as a crude cloak or flame-resistant covering, but this is a fleeting benefit. The hide begins to rot within 4 to 7 days, its protective qualities diminishing as it decomposes.  

Accidental Treasure Bearers

  Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the Alkadas is their penchant for swallowing gems and stones. While many of these are worthless, some are valuable, making the Alkadas accidental treasure bearers. However, the ethics of exploiting them for this purpose are questionable at best, given their inscrutable nature and limited understanding of value.  

Wonder Pens

  In some regions, people have erected "wonder pens" within large, walled gardens. Here, Alkadas are kept and fed with kitchen scraps, offal, and plant matter. While this may seem like a form of domestication, it is more akin to a symbiotic relationship. The Alkadas are content to consume the waste, and in return, their presence serves as a living gauge for magical activity.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While the Arcane Wilds serve as the most iconic backdrop for these arcane wanderers, the Alkadas are not bound by its mercurial borders. They are the nomads of wild Magic, their presence a testament to the arcane energies that flow through the very veins of Rolara.  

The Arcane Wilds

  The Arcane Wilds is their heartland, a realm where the air is thick with untamed magic and the landscape shifts like the pages of an arcane tome. Here, they are as much a part of the environment as the Mana Storms and arcane geysers, their presence a constant in a land of variables.  

Beyond the Wilds

  Yet, the Alkadas are not confined to this magical frontier. Wherever there is wild magic, there you will find them. From the enchanted forests of Jiao to the mystical deserts east of Al-Zaluma, their presence is a sign of arcane energies run amok. They have even been sighted in the veiled lands of Aikibira, their forms shimmering in the Dragonborn's arcane mists.  

Exceptions to the Rule

  However, there are limits to their wanderings. The Alkadas avoid arctic environments, the frigid temperatures incompatible with their delicate physiologies. Whether it is the lack of arcane flora or the harshness of the climate, these icy realms are one of the few places in Rolara where an Alkada cannot be found.  

Arcane Markers

  Their geographic distribution serves as a living map of Rolara's arcane energies. Where an Alkada roams, there is wild magic. Scholars and adventurers alike use their presence as a gauge for magical activity, their wanderings a breadcrumb trail that leads to the arcane's hidden treasures and lurking dangers.
Average Height
4 ft (1.2 m)


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