Yggthaela Trees (/ˈɪɡ.θaɛ.lə/, /ig-thay-luh/)

Amidst the wandering gardens of asteroids that skirt the edge of reality grows the Yggthaela Trees, a species as rare as they are wondrous. These magnificent lifeforms defy the expectations of natural law, thriving in the Void where other beings cannot. Rooted upon the stony surfaces of their host asteroids, they are not mere organisms, but participants in a grand cosmic dance of life and energy.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The roots of Yggthaela Trees delve into the heart of their asteroid abodes, intertwining with veins of dense, magical crystals that form the lifeblood of their existence. These trees do not bear crystals themselves; instead, they siphon the latent magical energies that the crystals emanate, thriving on the raw arcane currents that pulse within their asteroidal cores.   As the roots absorb these energies, the trees undergo a process of vivifying resonance, becoming living conduits for the crystalline power. It is this unique relationship that allows the Yggthaela Trees to subsist in the vacuum of space, drawing sustenance from the very essence of Magic.   The timber of these Celestial giants is suffused with the mystic strength of the crystals they bond with. Crafted into the hulls of Spelljammer vessels, the wood retains an intrinsic resilience, capable of enduring the rigors of astral travel and the perils of cosmic conflict.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution


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