Bellatorius Ferox Torneamentum Primus

Cultural event

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The Bellatorius is a large competition of unbelievable scale that tests adventurers mentally, and physically. It also requires teamwork. Every 4 years in Tatharia, the Bellatorius is held to recruit the strongest, smartest, and most efficient warriors to Lord Icaghor’s personal guard. This grand celebration is a 20-day long festival that is held between the 180th and 181st days of the official calendar. The Bellatorius itself consists of 4 rounds held over 4 days.

The Tarrasque, or Tarasconus as written in the inscriptions commemorating the end of the Age of Enlightenment and the start of the Age of Trade. The monsters that infested Rolara drove humanity apart, and none were as fierce or enduring as the mighty Tarrasque. The creature was said to be immortal and its hide nigh invulnerable to damage. During the Tenebris Aetatis (Dark Age) before teh founding of the empire, the Tarrasque's of Rolara each had a continent, more or less, to themselves. The gargantuan monstrosities dominated their chosen territories and little could be done to stop their rampaging. Ritual offerings were ignored by the beast and the Gods; it seemed as if they were impossible to tame. With Lord Icaghor's wisdom and the well organized military he raised, the beast of the Southern Continent was routed and eventually captured. When attempts to break the Tarrasque for military use was met with destruction of an entire Legion, Icaghor decided the terrifying beast must be destroyed. In his wisdom, he chose to hold a competition, to find the fiercest warriors. He knew that those who passed the trials he laid would be able to slay the monster, and that he wanted such men and women to be his personal guard.
Icaghor was correct; the Tarrasque was destroyed. Over the next few hundred years, 1d4 more Tarrasques were destroyed.  

Related timelines & articles
Icaghor's Journey (article)
History of Rolara