Americus Emmeraund Character in Roleplay Radio: Strixhaven | World Anvil
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Americus Emmeraund

Current owner of the family business, Emmeraund Holdings. Unapologetically anti-tiefling. For revenge, Mistake stole a book from his company's storage, hoping the owner would blame Americus.
Americus' grandfather founded Emmeraund Holdings to solve the issue of timing. Sometimes a ship is early or a caravan is late and crates of goods are left sitting with nowhere to go. Previously, they would sit out on the pier or loading dock until needed, but with so many tieflings about, things were bound to be stolen.   Thus, Emmeraund Holdings: Pay us to keep your goods under lock and key until the next step of their journey begins.   Over the years, their work has expanded. They have contracts with many major shipping companies whether over sea, river, land, and even air. They've also begun handling shipping logistics, reaching out to different parties to get goods where they're needed faster and cheaper.   Each of these contracts has the same requirement: Only human hands are to touch the goods being transported. There's a short list of other acceptable races, provided an extra insurance fee is paid, and big bold letters stating no tieflings or goblins can be involved.   Americus has refused several business deals with others who refused these terms. His business was thriving, especially in Redfell and surrounding regions, so there was no need to risk losing goods by partnering with questionable businesses.   Surely if they had such unfavorables working for them, they couldn't last long. Everyone knew the only things tieflings and goblins were good for was making your pockets a little lighter.   And that, he simply couldn't afford.
Current Location
Also Known As
Sir Greedsalot, by Redfell tieflings


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