F Squad Character Art
All character art, chibis, and accessories for the five F Squad members was done by
Katie's Nice Things. Katie was a pleasure to work with and we'd recommend her to anyone looking for character art!
Official Art
All Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: the Gathering art is copyright Wizards of the Coast, all Masks: The Next Generation art is copyright Magpie Games, and all is used with their respective permissions. This includes various banners (like the one on this page) and NPC portraits.
All compositions featured on World Anvil - profile pictures, banners, posters etc. - is made by Rin of
Those2Nerds, AKA Mistake, Felome, and Nell.
Cover image:
First Day of Class, Roleplay Radio logo
Paul Scott Canavan (art), Rin Garnett (logo)