Each turn involves two people: the asker and the asked. The asker asks a question and the asked has to answer, but they do not have to answer honestly. If the asker believes the answer is truthful, the turn ends and the asked becomes asker to someone else. Alternatively, the asker can accuse the asked of lying. If they're correct, they can then dare the asked to perform a task. If they're incorrect (the asked was being honest), the dare goes in reverse: the asked dares the asker. Once the dare is complete, the asked person then continues the game by asking someone else a question. Important: Even if someone is called out for lying, they never have to give an honest answer. Part of the fun is leaving people wondering what the truth is. This game assumes Zone of Truth is not cast upon the players. However, all other magic is acceptable unless players decide otherwise.Variation 1
The asker spins a bottle to determine who will be the asked for that turn.Variation 2
Questions are written on slips of paper ahead of time. Askers pull questions out at random. The same can be done for dares.