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Jack Atlas

High Officer of the Nova Corps Jack Atlas

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jack has Muscular Broad shoulders and an overall decently muscular body, but his arms are scrawny in comparrison and they look kind like raw noodles.

Facial Features

Jack has a somewhat chiseld Jawline and a squared nose, Jack also has a miniscule scar under his Righ eye which is quite unnoticable.

Identifying Characteristics

Jack has several scars across his torso from his wounds in battle. Jack also has a total of two tattoos. One tattoo is the Nova Corps Sigil on his Right Shoulder, and the other is that same sigil of Jacks' Left Pec.

Physical quirks

Jack is dominantly right handed and Jack walks with a slight limp on his left leg due to an injury he sustained during The Battle of Blood Valley.

Special abilities

Other than Jacks' spellcasting he has no special abilitys apart from during the night Jack can hear and speak out the the Ghosts of Fallen Friends. Jack also talks to the spirits of the Innocent Soldiers that he had killed during that war because a lot of soldiers on the battlefeild didn't want to be there because they were conscripted.

Apparel & Accessories

Jack has Black Leather Boots and Tailored Black Pants on his lower half. Jack Also has a black shirt with a Green? Body armour like vest which is designed to mimic the Military Armour he wore in the War, This armour however gives no bonus to his Armor since it is just made of Cloth.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jack has a history invesigating people and sometimes to the point of stalking them due to their magical abilities, however this quirk passed after Jack was conscripted into the military.




Jack went to primary school in the teifling land but the only outside education he received after this was his wizardry apprenticeship.


Jack is currently unemployed however he did spend some time employed by a caravan of merchants.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jack does not have many acheivements he thinks he deserves apart from the Battle of Frest Ridge where he saved the lives of his fellow marines.

Mental Trauma

Jack is somewhat mentally unstable due to the war and all of the death that he's seen.

Morality & Philosophy

Jack firmly Beleives that just because someone is fighting on the opposing side of a war, that doesn't mean they are bad people who deserve to die, as they may not have had a choice to fight.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Jack is an untrusting person due to the betrayel of many people he once thought were his friends.

Jack was a Human child who was born and raised in a Tiefling community because his parents had moved there a little while before he was born to further their studies of the world. Growing up around other kids he never really

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
July 24, 2732
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft
180 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I didn't start this fight, But I'm Damn well gonna finish it"   "Once a Marine, Always a Marine"
Known Languages
Common Infernal.

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Jacks journal he wrote on the way to the vampire island.

So... I think I've decided. I think I need to leave the killing and adventuring life behind me.   I'm really tired, I haven't had a decent nights sleep since i was a kid. and I think one of the only ways to acheive that peace again is to make up for my past atrocities by giving up killing altogether.   obviously I haven't told the party yet, but I think once this battle with the vampires is over I'll probably leave all this stuff behind me, where I'll travel to perhaps a monk monestary and relearn inner peace.   if something does happen to me during this battle, Me and Strahl wrote up a legal will a fw months back which will be put into effect.

Jacks Library down time.

I have spent many days here these last few weeks, looking inward to ask myself the big questions. Who am I meant to be?   Am I meant to be a war monger who takes out destruction on innocent lives?   Am I meant to be a really powerful wizard to aid my allies?   Am I meant to leave the adventuring life behind to pursue a simpler life?   I still haven't come up with any answers for these questions, but perhaps I should think about leaving this life behind, to put the horrible things I've done behind me.   Or perhaps I should attempt to face my atrocities and redeem myself.   I'll probably remain in this library until the play starts, but even then, I don't know if I'll attend.   Every day I feel my power grow, but I also feel my psyche crumbling under the immense regret I feel for all the lives I ended during the war.   For now, I shall continue studying

Avalanch day.

Am I a monster?   Are every one of us monsters?   I really thought that after leaving the war that I'd finally find peace, but during my travels, I have felt a strong longing for combat which I never thought I'd ever feel.   I was solely responsible for the death of a small army which were invading my current place of residence, but did they really deserve to die?   Most of them were undead or demons, but what if they didn't actually have a choice in fighting. Does that mean I'm responsible for killing more innocent lives like back in the war?   I know this isn't much of an event log, but something is breaking within me, I am starting to feel an enjoyment for combat and war, which I never ever thought I'd ever feel.   Maybe I am a Monster, which sole purpose is to rid the world of other Monstrositys.

March 7
March 7, 2402

This is the Journal Entry section I've created within my spell book, I am going to hopefully be documenting what events transpire with this new group I've come across, in the case of my unfortunate demise.   Firstly, I arrived in a mostly human populated town with a close personal friend Strahl Costin, and a decent acquaintance named Viran Evonwood. we arrived there generally in our travels and within a Tavern there, we met a small group of aroud 4 "adventurers" who told us about a job they were hired for. they invited us to come along (possibly to earn our trust and stab us in the back but I'm on to them)   either way, we set out with them and we cleared out a bandit encampment with relative ease. once the place was clear we actually had a few prisoners (Cuz Strahl is a funny Lawyer man and good at negotiating). after clearing the place out further, we rested for a few hours before progressing into a basement within the camp. we then found some weird astral or abyss something or other creatures which my father told me some tales about a while back. and on our way back to claim our reward for a job well done, we were chased by darkness or something before we got there.   while we were back in town I stopped by the local Library in hopes of finding some spell scrolls to be able to copy them down into my spell book. The librarian was a Tiefling so I dazzeled them with my Fluet Infernal and they revealed some spell scrolls to me. I copied one down and I have 2 more which I need to return by the end of the week or I'll have to pay a fine probably.   This concluded Log #1


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