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Aquatic Races

Aquatic races are humanoid races that have evolved to live and thrive underwater. They possess physical adaptations that allow them to survive in aquatic environments, such as gills for breathing underwater and streamlined bodies for swimming.
The term "aquatic races" can encompass a variety of races, including Sea Elves, Tritons, Tortles, Locathahs, and Grungs. Sea Elves are graceful and agile underwater, with webbed hands and feet and the ability to communicate telepathically with aquatic creatures. Tritons are powerful and proud, with fish-like tails and the ability to control water and create magical effects. Tortles are slow-moving but incredibly resilient, with shells that protect them from harm. Locathahs are fish-like in appearance, with long, thin bodies and sharp teeth. Grungs are small and brightly coloured, with poison glands that can be used for self-defence or hunting.
Aquatic races often have unique cultures and customs that reflect their underwater lifestyles. They may live in underwater cities or small communities near the shore, and may worship deities associated with the ocean or water. They may also have different methods of communication and social interaction than humanoid races that live on land.
Despite their adaptations to underwater life, aquatic races are not limited to living exclusively underwater. Many are capable of surviving and even thriving on land, although they may face challenges due to their physical adaptations. Aquatic races can be valuable allies and trade partners for other humanoid races, and can contribute greatly to the cultural and economic diversity of the world.
  Sea elf
Water Genasi


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