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Astral Sea

It is the space between everything.
It is the road that goes everywhere.
It is where you are when you aren't anywhere else.

— Headmaster Tserof of Tsewarts School of Mages
  It can be described as a barren place of other-dimensional nothingness extending in all directions what little solid substance that floated in the bright, grey void was typically chunks of matter broken off from their original plane. The Astral had no gravity but objects did retain their mass so you could throw small items or push off from large objects to move in the weightless environment.
The Astral Sea, like Wildspace, is a void; however, it is not an airless one. Here, you can breathe normally and exist indefinitely, never aging and never needing food or drink. You can propel yourself through the Astral Sea with the power of your mind alone, though many astral voyagers wisely travel in well-armed ships, for this place is the home of a host of fearsome creatures. Here travellers might find the petrified hulks of dead gods and swirling pools of colour that serve as portals to other planes of existence.
Plane of Existence


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