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Avatar of Shar

In the chaotic and lawless realm of Rondo, tales of the Avatar of Shar echo through the dark waters surrounding Deadman's Drop. This enigmatic figure is said to be a vengeful force, exacting retribution upon those who fail to pay the tithe to the treacherous bay.
The story begins with Nautalist, a loyal and esteemed pirate of Deadman's Drop. Known for his bravery and camaraderie, Nautalist was adored by his crewmates. After a successful raid, however, fate took a dark turn. A mysterious creature from the D'oomed shores emerged from the depths, attacking the ship and dragging crew members into the abyss.
In a heroic attempt to save his comrades, Nautalist rushed to their aid. He valiantly rescued them, but in a cruel twist of fate, he found himself ensnared by the sinister creature. As the creature began pulling the ship and its crew under the waves, Nautalist pleaded with his companions for help, hoping they would return the favor. Tragically, fear and self-preservation took hold, and his crew cut his lifeline, abandoning him to the unforgiving sea.
In the darkness beneath the waves, Nautalist's fate took an unexpected turn. The Goddess Shar, leader of the Pantheon of Shadows and a powerful, neutral evil deity, offered him an eerie proposition. Shar promised him vengeance against his treacherous crew, revealing that the reason the ship was attacked was due to the captain's failure to pay the tithe to the bay.
Embracing this dark pact, Nautalist became the Avatar of Shar, a vengeful spirit tasked with hunting down ships that neglect to pay the tithe. Shar granted him powers aligned with the domains of Death, Trickery, Dungeons, Darkness, and Forgetfulness, fueling his quest for revenge.
His mission now is to hunt down ships that dare to disregard the sacred tithe to the bay, ensuring that no others suffer his cruel fate.
In his newfound role, the Avatar of Shar is a haunting figure, a symbol of both vengeance and protection. Pirates and sailors throughout Rondo speak in hushed tones about this avenging force, warning others to heed the sacred tithe to avoid encountering the wrath of the Avatar.
As tales of the Avatar of Shar spread, the practice of paying the tithe gains renewed significance among the pirates of Deadman's Drop. It becomes a ritual, not just to appease the mythical sea guardians but to evade the vengeance of the relentless protector of the bay.
The legend of the Avatar of Shar continues to grow, transcending the boundaries of mere folklore. Whether one believes in the divine nature of this vengeful figure or dismisses it as a mere superstition, the fear of the consequences of disregarding the tithe lingers, a testament to the enduring power of myth and the mysteries that lie beneath the dark waters of Deadman's Drop.
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