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Baulder Boss

Goliaths fought against the tabaxis Clowders and won the war they enslaved the tabaxi and took over their land ending their harsh nomadic lifestyle, in the grand scheme of things they are good masters in that they believe in survival of the fittest so are very hands-off.
The goliaths don't really consider the tabaxi people more resources, they understand taking care of your tools, but if your cart keeps breaking down all the time, then just get a new cart no point in maintaining a dodgy wagon if you know what I mean.
Notable location/events: The clowdered slave union is an odd group they strive to free themselves by buying slaves, training them in selling services, not slaves thus creating the first union in rondo. It is not uncommon to see a free tabaxi cripple, as the goliath doesn't care what happens to damaged parts, so most of the 'rebellion' is run by cripples.


  The Rock Clowder are a confused group of Goliaths in charge, each has a Tabxi slave that helps them run the government.


Velvet Cove is the pleasure centre of the area if it pleases you it’s here from drugs to slaves to everything else.
Aylebus was the former capital of the Tabaxi Civilisation but now simple the slave capital of the local area.
Protecting Ridge, it was the former city protecting the tabaxi from the goliaths it’s now what protects them from dwarven experiments and “accidents”.
Unique locations; the Naked Bluffs

Demography and Population

Tabaxi declared war upon the Goliaths sometime in the past and invaded the mountains, they overestimated their skills and preparation of logistics and underestimated the numbers of the goliath, as while they did fight among themselves they didn't often have any casualties. so the full might of the goliaths utterly smashed the overextended underprepared and underequipped forces. The Clowder Forces were utterly annihilated so completely that the tabaxi had no hope of surviving the war so they immediately surrendered to the Goliath Clans, the Goliaths confusedly accepted the complete and utter surrender and accidentally enslaved the tabaxi.
Goliaths Are the dominant race in the Baulderboss, they originally resided in the Naked bluffs and fought against the mountain monsters and the dwarfs also in the mountains. They resisted in their mountains content with life until the Tabaxi attacked, historic records say that it was an unprovoked attack, the tabaxi simply wanted them as enslaved menial workers, it backfired when they were smashed by the goliaths and then mostly put themselves into chains under the yoke of the Goliaths. they Treat the tabaxi oddly nice for slave owners but still brutally. they are treated as tools, use one that you maintain well but if your cart has a broken wheel and the cart work anymore then you abandon the cart.... the tabaxi is the cart.

We are in Charge?

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Official State Religion
Official Languages


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