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Bayhollow is a bustling port city located on the coast of a vast ocean. Its economy is primarily centred around fishing and the trade of luxury goods, with a thriving marketplace full of available resources, including imported magic items from the city of Citium. The city is known for its large white lighthouse, which serves as a beacon for ships entering and exiting the harbour.
Religion is a significant aspect of life in Bayhollow, with the dominant faith being the Reverly. However, there is also a large portion of the population that worships the Tyrants and Shadows, leading to frequent religious strife within the city. The government of Bayhollow is an absolute monarchy, ruled directly by the king or delegated to a prince or royal advisor.

The city is known for its disorganized layout and chaotic planning, with a variety of districts and landmarks scattered throughout. Some of the notable points of interest include the royal fountain, the Hollow Tower, and Princes Park, a large natural park within the city. Bayhollow is also home to the famous Red Dragon Inn, the royal castle, and a statue of Arcturus.

  The architecture of Bayhollow is a blend of Genasi flowing lines and Gnomish sturdy design, with a touch of human ingenuity mixed in. The geography of the region is coastal, with a number of mines in the surrounding hills and mountains. The climate is typically mild and temperate, thanks to the ocean's moderating influence. The city's natural resources include wood from enchanted forests, quartz, lead, and a variety of fish and seafood.

  Tourism is a major source of income for Bayhollow, with visitors coming to see the city's various points of interest and enjoy the ocean views. The city's ports are also a major source of revenue, with trade lanes importing goods from all across the Trivin Empire and tax revenue from incoming and outgoing ships.


The demographics of Bayhollow are diverse, with a mix of different races and cultures living and working in the city. The city is known for its thriving fishing industry, which attracts many human and elf fishermen to the area. The city is also home to a large number of dwarves, who work in the mines that produce valuable minerals such as lead and quartz. In addition to these groups, there is also a significant population of gnomes, who are known for their ingenuity and skill at crafting. Overall, the population of Bayhollow is varied and multicultural, with a rich tapestry of different races and cultures living and working together.


The government of Bayhollow is a monarchy, with a ruling king or queen who holds absolute power over the city and its affairs. The government is supported by a network of advisors and officials who help to administer the city's affairs, including its laws, taxation, and public services.
In terms of laws, Bayhollow follows a strict set of rules and regulations that are enforced by the city's guards and officials. These laws cover a wide range of topics, including criminal behavior, property rights, and civil disputes. Violators of these laws may be punished with fines, imprisonment, or other forms of punishment, depending on the severity of the offense.

  Taxation in Bayhollow is based on a variety of factors, including the income, property, and assets of the city's citizens. The government uses tax revenues to fund public services and infrastructure projects, such as schools, hospitals, and roads.

  The organization of the government in Bayhollow is hierarchical, with the ruling monarch at the top and various officials and advisors below them. There are also various committees and councils that advise the ruling monarch on important issues, such as trade, defence, and public works. Overall, the government of Bayhollow is responsible for maintaining order and stability within the city, and for ensuring the well-being of its citizens.


Bayhollow is well-defended, with a number of different layers of protection in place to keep the city safe.
One of the first lines of defense is the thick, enchanted walls that surround the city. These walls are capable of withstanding a significant amount of damage, and can also be reinforced with a magical shield on the command of the city's ruler.
  In addition to the walls, the city is also protected by the Hollow Tower, a tall, powerful defense tower that is able to shoot down any hostile flying threats with arcane blasts. The tower is expensive to maintain, and requires the efforts of four teams of mages from Citium to keep it operational.
  The city also has a number of other defense forces at its disposal. The Wall Climbers are a special unit of the defense force that focus on external threats, while the City Guard is responsible for maintaining order within the city. The Grand Trivin Army is a large, multi-ethnic force that protects and defends the Trivin Empire, and can be called upon to defend Bayhollow if necessary. Finally, the Hand is the city's secret police force, tasked with maintaining the rule of the city's ruler.

Industry & Trade

Bayhollow is a thriving port city located on the coast of a vast ocean. The ocean plays a major role in the city's economy, with fishing being a major industry and a primary source of food for the city's inhabitants. In addition to fishing, Bayhollow is also known for its production of luxury goods, such as fine jewelry, art, and other high-end items.
The city is a major hub for trade, with a bustling marketplace where a variety of goods are bought and sold. Bayhollow imports a wide range of resources, including metal and magic items, which are in high demand due to the city's proximity to the city of Citium, a center of magic and education. The city also exports a variety of resources, including wood from the enchanted forest to the north and quartz, lead, and other minerals from the nearby mines.
  Manufacturing is an important part of the city's economy, with a variety of workshops and factories producing everything from clothing to weapons. The city is also home to a number of guilds, including the merchant guild, which plays a major role in the city's trade and commerce.
  Overall, the economy of Bayhollow is diverse and dynamic, with a range of industries and sectors contributing to the city's prosperity.


Bayhollow is a bustling port city located on the coast of a vast ocean. The city's economy is heavily reliant on the sea, with fishing and trade being major industries. The city is also known for its production of luxury goods, including fine crafts and precious metals.
The city's infrastructure reflects its focus on trade and commerce. There are several large ports and shipyards where ships can dock and unload their cargo. The city also has a well-developed network of roads and bridges, allowing for easy access to the surrounding countryside. There are several watermills and windmills throughout the city, which provide power for various industries and services.
In addition to its ports and mills, Bayhollow also has a number of courtyards, blast furnaces, and other industrial facilities. The city is home to several large markets, where merchants can sell their goods and locals can purchase a wide variety of items. The city is also home to a number of religious buildings, including temples and shrines dedicated to various deities.

Overall, Bayhollow is a thriving city with a strong focus on trade and industry. Its infrastructure reflects this, with a well-developed network of ports, roads, and other facilities that support the city's economic activities.


Bayhollow is divided into several districts, each with its own unique character and atmosphere. The Old Quarter is the oldest part of the city, with narrow streets and ancient buildings that hark back to the city's founding. This district is home to many of Bayhollow's historic landmarks, including the Royal Castle, Parliament House, and the Obelisk of Origin.
The Market District is the bustling heart of the city, with a thriving marketplace that attracts traders and merchants from all over the region. The district is known for its wide variety of goods and services, as well as its bustling tavern District, which is home to many of the city's most popular pubs and inns.
The Harbour District is home to the city's bustling port, which is the hub of Bayhollow's fishing and trade industries. The district is also home to many shipyards, where craftsmen build and repair ships for the city's merchants and fishermen.
  The Industrial District is home to the city's heavy industry, with blast furnaces, forges, and factories that produce the city's iron, steel, and other metal goods. This district is also home to many of the city's working-class residents, who live in crowded tenement buildings.
The Residential Districts are home to the city's middle and upper-class residents, with spacious mansions, grand townhouses, and well-manicured gardens. These districts are generally quieter and more peaceful than the rest of the city, with less crime and fewer crowds.


Bayhollow is known for its abundant natural resources, including wood from the enchanted forests to the north, as well as quartz, lead, and other minerals mined from the nearby mountains. The city is also home to a number of valuable stores and equipment, including the white marble statue of Von Smazzlehand, the Royal Castle, and the famous Red Dragon Inn. There are also a number of valuable artworks and artifacts scattered throughout the city, including the Obelisk of Origin, an ancient obsidian obelisk that has stood in the city for centuries.

Guilds and Factions

The Grand Trivin Army is the largest military force in the Trivin Empire, consisting of soldiers from all the different races and cultures within the empire. They are responsible for defending the borders of the empire and protecting its citizens from external threats. 
The Hand is the secret police force of the king, tasked with maintaining order and enforcing the laws of the kingdom.
The Peaceful Tears is an assassins guild, known for its efficiency and secrecy. They operate in many cities throughout the empire and are rumoured to have a presence in every major settlement.
 The Wall Climbers is a specialized unit within the Grand Trivin Army that focuses on external threats and defending the city walls.
The City Guard is a semi-useless organization responsible for maintaining order within the city, but they are often underpaid and only composed of the rejects of the Grand Trivin Army. There is strong resentment within the City Guard towards being overlooked in favour of the more competent military force.
The Drokne Noble Bards College is a smaller, external college affiliated with the Kendorian Bards College, catering to the politically minded and wealthy nobles. Most politicians in court are skilled in charisma, having studied at this college.
The Fisherman's Guild represents the interests of the fishing industry in the city and works to ensure the livelihoods of its members.
 The Artisan Guild represents the interests of the artisans in the city, including blacksmiths, carpenters, and other craftsmen. They work to promote and protect the rights and skills of their members


The city of Bayhollow was founded by a group of dusuldorfs many years ago, after the great calamity and the fall of CamaIot. It quickly became a thriving marketplace, with a wide variety of resources available, including magic items imported from Citium. The city's prominent religion is the Reverly, but a significant portion of the population also worships the Tyrants and shadows, leading to religious strife.
The city is ruled by an absolute monarchy, currently headed by a king. The government is often delegated to a prince or royal advisor, and the city is governed from the parliament house and the royal castle. The city is known for its disorganized city planning, leading to a somewhat chaotic atmosphere.
Over the years, Bayhollow has faced a number of challenges, including the forced disbandment of the merchant guild, which tried to form into a megacorporation. The Peacefultears, an assassins guild, were hired to cause a lynch mob to disband the guild, and there is an ongoing contract in place to prevent the formation of a new merchant guild in the city.
Despite these challenges, Bayhollow has remained a thriving port and fishing town, as well as a center for the trade of luxury goods. Its industries and trade have kept the city afloat, exporting wood and luxury goods, while importing metal and magic items. The city is home to a number of guilds and factions, including the Grand Trivin Army, the city's massive military force, and the Hand, the king's secret police force. It is also home to the Wall Climbers, a special defense force focused on external threats, and the City Guard, an underpaid and undervalued organization with strong resentment towards the Grand Trivin Army. The city is also home to the Drokne Noble Bards College, a smaller external bards college affiliated with the Kendorian Bards College, and a number of other guilds and factions.

Points of interest

Bayhollow is a thriving city with many points of interest for visitors to enjoy. Some of the most notable attractions include:
  • The Royal Fountain: A large, round fountain located in the centre of the city, featuring a small statue of Von Smazzlehand with a large bow. The fountain is made of white marble and is a popular spot for tourists to take pictures.
  • The Hollow Tower: A tall, imposing tower located in the centre of the city. The tower is used to defend the city from aerial threats and is equipped with powerful arcane blasts that can shoot down any hostile flying creatures. The tower is extremely expensive to maintain and requires teams of mages from Citium to keep it operational.
  • Princes Park: A large, natural park located within the city limits. The park is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike to enjoy outdoor activities such as picnics, hiking, and birdwatching.
  • The Red Dragon Inn: A famous inn located in the city center. The inn is known for its cozy atmosphere, excellent food and drink, and live entertainment provided by the resident bards.
  • The Royal Castle: The home of the city's ruler, the king. The castle is a large, ornate building located on a hill overlooking the city. It is not open to the general public, but tourists can take guided tours of the grounds.
  • The Statue of Arcturus: A large, bronze statue located in the city center. The statue depicts the legendary hero Arcturus, who is revered in the city as a symbol of hope and strength.
  • The Obelisk of Origin: An obsidian obelisk located on the outskirts of the city. The obelisk is 30 feet tall and is believed to have been present in the city since it was founded. It is a popular spot for tourists to learn about the city's history and cultural heritage.
  • The Royal Reserve: A large area located on the outskirts of the city that is home to a variety of exotic animals. The reserve is used by the royal family for hunting exotic animals and is not open to the general public.


The architecture of Bayhollow is a mix of flowing lines and sturdy design, reflecting the influence of the genasi and gnomish peoples who make up a significant portion of the city's population. Human ingenuity can also be seen in the city's design, with elements such as courtyards, blast furnaces, and shipyards showcasing the resourcefulness and technical prowess of the human residents. The city is known for its white lighthouse, which stands tall on the coast, guiding ships safely into the harbor. The city's buildings are primarily constructed from wood and stone, with some buildings featuring intricate, enchanted details. Overall, the architecture of Bayhollow reflects the diverse and industrious nature of its inhabitants.


Bayhollow is located on the coast, with a large white lighthouse standing as a prominent feature. The city is surrounded by mines that produce lead, quartz, and other resources. The city is also situated near an enchanted forest, which provides wood for export. The geography of the region is fairly flat, with the exception of the Hollow Tower, which rises high into the sky. The coast is home to a thriving fishing industry, and the city is known for its importation of luxury goods.


Bayhollow is located on the coast, which means it has a mild, humid climate. The city is surrounded by the sea on one side and the enchanted forest on the other, which helps to moderate the temperature. The summers are warm and the winters are mild, with temperatures rarely dropping below freezing. The city gets an ample amount of rain throughout the year, which helps to keep the surrounding landscape lush and green. Overall, the climate in Bayhollow is conducive to agriculture, fishing, and other outdoor activities, making it a popular destination for travelers and residents alike.

Natural Resources

Bayhollow is a coastal city located in the Trivin Empire. The city is known for its abundance of natural resources, including wood from enchanted forests, quartz, lead, and fish. Bayhollow is also home to several mines that produce lead and quartz. The city's main industries include fishing, lumber, and the production of luxury goods. Bayhollow is known for its thriving marketplace, where a wide variety of resources are available, including magic items imported from Citium. The city's climate is coastal, with moderate temperatures and a high amount of rainfall.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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