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Cult of Pleasure

Drow Elven faction pursuit of pleasure to ascend. Their prefered target are those of angelic origin and then proceed to enslave rape and kill them in no particular order. 13 Families of 13 Members who ritually sacrifice a 13-year-old every 13 days. Once a new member is Born the eldest is Ritualistically Eaten by the others to Empower them. Each Family Must contact one and other every 13 days and if contact is not established to each of the 13 clans than the eldest of each Family are grouped to form a new Family.   There is a Pocket of Wood Elves in the middle of the Forest whom are essentially locked inside of the ward. The wards were accidentally made by the Drow when they murder fucked 77% of the population inside of a week and the first and last death were the Queen and Princess whom Bound all the deaths into powering the wards, meaning any who have the blood of those who were killed may not enter. They Go on a Wild Hunt once a Month on the Full Moon get dressed up and Go out and Slaughter the Villages of Drow around them. The Wards need to be powered by the death of those who caused there creation so they go out slaughtering the people of neighbouring villages. The Drow Government have not bothered to send an army to stop them in any way simply set up ambient Death Magic Spell residue Absorbers and ignore it. Alot of Drow go there to see the slaughter and watch and fight back on nights of the wild hunt. Its an attraction a monthly event.   Due to High Elves being Useless (according to drow) they are delegated to Menial Work. There is a Dark Brotherhood of High Elves whom are planning a rebellion to strike back at the Drow Owners. If a Guide is killed while guiding Adventurers the Adventurers are considered liable for the loss of life of one of the countries Inhabitants.   Tieflings dwell in the lands in dark underground hives where crime is rampant. Notable events/locations: the pitch markets is where anything and everything is traded from slaves to souls to a potted plant. The angelic/demonic slaughter orgy, in which they collect all holy and unholy beings and slaughter rape them all.

Pain is a Pleasure.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Permeated Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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