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The city of Elderreach is a unique City, They are often referred to as a frontier city.
At the beginning of the city's history, they were under constant threat from SkySovereign aggression, with small raids occurring weekly with large attacks occurring semi-regularly, so the city went to two vices, religion and aggressive fortifications. They fell deep into the clutches of the tyrants slowly becoming the capital of the church.
Besheeba became the dominant God to prevent misfortune from befalling the citizens.
When life throws Lemons from the sky you get tough or get dead. The city adopted aggressive fortifications, watchtowers are Scattered throughout the city with archers and ballistas pointing skywards Ever Vigilant. The Border is guarded by the Sky Watchers, one of the segments of the Grand Trivin Army.

They also invented a most hated device by the Sky Sovereigns, the "wing clippers", a series of steel wires draped across buildings crisscrossing the above-ground buildings and watchtowers making a death trap, obstacles course for all beings flying above the ground. They also serve as ziplines to facilitate fast movement in the event of combat.
Because of the dangers, the city faces the city walls are a basic affair made of stone with towers doting the wall. Most above-ground buildings bar watchtowers are only 1 story and are primarily made of stone and other non-flamiable materials, otherwise, people live below ground in underground buildings connected together but under walkways, in the subversion of expectation, the undercity is the more expensive neighbourhood as it is safer than the upper city.

The city was founded for a few reasons, the massive salt mountain Saltrum which is a natural phenomenon, though scholars still are baffled to this day at its existence, there are fringe theories that it was wished into existence during the Wishful Wars but that has no evidence to back it up.
One of the main exports of the city is salt, sent around the Trivin Empire to preserve food, especially Tinvarth and Bitrulia with them being skilled artisans and efficient producers of food and other various products.
The other main exports are coal and steel, mined from the nearby hills and mines.
there is a final line of defence for the city, it is an ancient artifact that dates back to arcadian times, it is an artifact that will double gravity in a 5-mile Radius, it is a weapon of the final resort but as it is an artifact of ancient origin it is impossible to repair, so it is a state held know only to the upper echelon of the Army so that it will be a nasty surprise against Sky'Sovgern Aggression.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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