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Human Houses (Marks)

Welcome to Rondo, a world where humans have been divided into different Houses, also known as Marks. These Houses are based on their unique abilities and characteristics. Each House is named after a flower and is associated with a specific location in Rondo. These locations are where the House originated and where most of its members can be found. The Bloodrose Mark is the common ancestor of all the Houses and is the originator of these unique Marks. Each House has its own distinct culture and characteristics, with some being known for their craft and creation, while others are known for their prowess in combat and hunting. In this article, we will delve into the various Houses of the Bloodrose Mark, exploring their unique abilities and their impact on Rondo's society.

Bloodrose Marks (Race)

House Rose
Mark of Making (Renamed Mark of the Rose) - Wastelands, Badland Bogs
Based in Tralhalla, House Rose is the least well known of Deen’s Bloodline Marks. They are mostly commoners. They excel in creation and are natural craftsmen, cooks and blacksmiths. Some even go a step further to become artificers well known throughout the Wastelands and the Bogs of the South. They’re normally known for swindling and typically fall under a neutral or evil alignment
Name Taken: Bloodrose

House Lotus
Mark of Finding (Renamed Mark of the Lotus) - Understab, Glacial Belt.
Based in Vlurg, House Lotus is well known for its hunters and rangers. Although they technically are based in a single location much of the house is grown up and trained in the vast forests of understanding or in the unforgiving Wastelands of the Glacial Belt. They are present all over rondo as skilled rangers, map makers and bounty hunters. Normally Neutral
Name Taken: Bloodlotus

House Violet
Mark of Handling (Renamed Mark of the Violet) - Vlatdet, Heartlands
Based in Ixeirie in Understab, House Violet are known providers of animals across all of Rondo. Definitely the most well-known of Deen’s marked offspring they provide armies with their cavalry, including the more magical kind, such as unicorns, gryphons ect. Normally Lawful Alignment
Name Taken: Bloodviolet

House Lily
Mark of Passage (Renamed Mark of the Liy) - Dake’Ladak, Deadman’s Drop
House Lily is based in the Blood retreat in Deadman’s Drop. They’re skilled smugglers and messengers and are heavily involved in the black markets of Dake’ladak. Normally Lawful and Evil in alignment. They have a powerful matriarch who is wed to a powerful drow crime lord.
Name Taken: Bloodlily

House Vartmilirus
Mark of Sentinel (Renamed Mark of the Vartmilirus) - Trivin
A Legendary House of guards and constructs. It was based in Trivin and was a huge power player in one of the great wars. They were based in a private manor (See Vartmilirus Manor) north of Bayhollow but were supposedly destroyed by another kingdom in one of the great wars. Named after a flower that seems to no longer exist. There seems to be a suspicious robot looking for information on them. (See VR-42 and TR-33)
Name Taken: Vartmilirus


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