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The Intoner is a unique bard lich who achieves immortality through their Magnum Opus, an arcane song that embeds a piece of their soul into the memories of others, ensuring their resurrection as long as the song is remembered.  

Common Traits:

Intoners retain their bardic abilities and gain undead traits. They appear as a blend of their former selves and an undead form, often with an ethereal aura.  


A bard becomes an Intoner by crafting a Magnum Opus and performing it for enough people. They die and rise again as an Intoner, with their soul living on through those who remember the song.  


Intoners have magical resistance, the ability to reform if their Magnum Opus is remembered, and powerful spellcasting abilities. Their power is bolstered by those who remember their song.  


Their phylactery is not an object but the memories of those who have heard their Magnum Opus. The number of people who remember the song affects the time it takes for the Intoner to reform.  


In combat, Intoners use spells and abilities to charm and compel others. They rely on their charisma and the power of their song to influence and control.  


Intoners seek to ensure their Magnum Opus is remembered by as many people as possible. Some become beloved composers, inspiring new musicians, while others may become tyrants, forcing others to learn their song to maintain their immortality.


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