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It'suss Rage the Monarch

The air was thick with brimstone, the skies aflame, as It'suss Rage descended into the bowels of the Seven Remaning Hells. Clutched tightly in his hand was the delicate essence of his beloved, Ebony. Her death had ignited a fire within him, a flame fueled by grief, vengeance, and a desire for power enough to protect what he held dear. No longer was he just a drow. The merging with the greater demon, the Monarch, had transformed him into something... more. His powers were bolstered, his resolve hardened, and his mind focused on a singular purpose – to carve a place in this demonic hierarchy, both for him and his deceased wife. The first thing he did was imbue Ebony with demonic essence to empower her as his equal, weakening him but that didn't matter to him as long as his darling was by his side.   The first circle they entered belonged to the Demon Lord Kostchtchie. The frost giant's realm was a harsh, frozen wasteland that matched the cold fury in It'suss's heart. But he was not there to observe. The drow and his demonic partner unleashed a symphony of destruction, their powers challenging the icy lord in his own dominion.   The battle was brutal. It'suss's new form allowed him to resist the chill of Kostchtchie's frost magic, while the raw power of the Monarch wreaked havoc on the icy terrain, melting away the frost giant's defenses. Eventually, the combined might of the Demon Lord and Lady wore down the frost giant, leaving Kostchtchie's realm ripe for the taking. It'suss claimed the fallen lord's essence, absorbing it and feeling a surge of power. The first circle of Hell was now thiers.   But It'suss didn't stop there. He was still fueled by the rage and grief of nearly losing Ebony, and he had a point to prove. With Kostchtchie's essence and his new demonic powers, he took his crusade to the realms of Yeenoghu. There, he fought with the fury of a thousand storms, carving a swath of destruction through his armies, crushing his champions, and challenging the demon lord himself.   Again and again, It'suss emerged victorious. His power grew with each conquest, and so did his territory. The hellscape transformed under his rule. The once-barren wasteland bloomed with a deadly beauty reflecting Dak’ladak Landscape, reflecting the amalgamation of It'suss's drow grace and demonic savagery.   He built a fortress, a refuge for his Darling Ebony. It'suss used his power to create a place where they could be safe, where her they could rest in peace. The fortress was an oasis amidst the chaos, a place where the cruelty of the hells couldn't touch them. He named it the Ebony Fortress after his wife. He then gave the second circle of hell to his darling wife so that they would be equal making them the noew demon Lord and Lady of the Seven Remaining Hells   It'suss Rage had arrived as a grieving widower, driven by vengeance and a will to protect. Now, he stood as the new Demon Lord of the first two circles, a force to be reckoned with, a symbol of power in the infernal realms. His ascension sent waves of fear and respect throughout the remaining circles. He had replaced not one, but two Demon Lords, and brought a piece of order into the chaotic existence of the Seven Hells.   thier path to power was littered with the remains of those who had dared stand against them, and a message to the remaining lords of the circles: they was not done yet. Now, It'suss and Ebony held dominion over the first two circles. They ruled their realms as one, inseparable in their united front against the chaotic nature of the Hells. The couple, having ascended to demonhood, had gained the respect and fear of the remaining Demon Lords, yet they still had a path to carve.

Divine Domains

War: As the conqueror of two circles of Hell, It'suss embodies the aspects of strategy, conflict, and physical prowess. Death: This domain symbolizes his control over the forces of life and death, especially given his connection to the undead through his battles against Orcus. Strength: As a reflection of his resolve, his determination, and his physical might. Vengeance: This is a unique domain that manifests from his journey fueled by revenge, representing his authority over justice and retribution. Chaos: This domain signifies his resistance against the order of Hell's hierarchy and his willingness to upset it to achieve his ends.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

a drow mourning over a teifling corspe.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

to take over all of the Seven Hells.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Ruled Locations


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