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Kostchtchie (kos-CHEE-chee)

Kostchtchie is known as the Prince of Wrath, is a demon lord and a patron of Frost Giants and rage.
Kostchtchie's origins are somewhat shrouded in mystery, largely because of his claim to be a frost giant deity. His preferred story is that he was once a king among frost giants before his apotheosis, but this was an obfuscation meant to legitimize his claim to rule over the giants. Even as a demon lord, he was known to identify as a frost giant, and to became enraged and violent at anyone who suggested he was not.
During The Blood Wars he Made a name for himself and was Promted to a Demon lord.

Divine Domains

Frost Giants, Rage

Holy Books & Codes

Chaotic Evil

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A red rusty Axe.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kostchtchie is a 24‑foot (7.3‑meter) tall muscular brute with hunched shoulders and stubby, bowed legs. His head is malformed and his face is flat, ugly, and hairless except for his eyebrows. His skin is a sickly yellow. He always carried with him a massive hammer.
Divine Classification
Former Demon Lord
Date of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by It'suss Rage
Aligned Organization


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