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Mammon, sometimes referred to as Minauros, was the lord of the identically named Minauros, and potentially the richest being in existence. Both literally and figuratively two-faced, the archdevil viscount was a feckless miser whose only loyalty was to coin.
“ The count of my coins is more reliable than any roster of mortal hearts or immortal souls. ” — Mammon

“ If you must make a deal with a devil, Mammon might be your best option. Unfortunately, you need the wealth of a dozen kingdoms to close the deal if you don't want to offer your soul. ” — Red Wanderer

Divine Domains

Greed ,Lust

Holy Books & Codes

Lawful Evil

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His Personal symbol surrounded by a Golden Circle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mammon's original form was traditionally infernal, a 12 ft (3.7 m) tall creature that resembled a flabby pit fiend with scaly, red-gold skin and wings that were as lustrous as rubies. Although still able to assume his old form, Mammon's natural appearance was eventually changed into one resembling certain yuan-ti halfbloods, albeit 30 ft (9.1 m) long.[12][13] His lower half was that of an enormous, spotted serpent with yellow-brown skin comparable to swirled vomit, while his upper half sported a muscular humanoid torso with bony spines protruding across his shoulders and along his large arms. His horned, hairless head was similarly humanoid but seemed oversized. Some said his eyes were yellow and slitted like a snake, while others reported that his eyes were pale and pupilless although his vision seemed nonetheless sharp. Below his white eyes were hideous black lips, behind which laid his pointed teeth, two serpentine fangs, and a forked tongue that gave him his hissing, whispering voice.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Ruled Locations


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