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The Sky'Sovereigns are an old faction, it is believed that the two factions of the race the Beaktip and Wingspans have been around for thousands of years but their records do not go back that far.


The history of the Aarakocra is a long and storied one with the mists of time distorting it to a mere shadow of itself. their story is that of their Ancestral Patriarch, Kliciss alongside his followers and family created the holy city of Karkala and blessed it so that whoever controls the city controls the air itself, thus making the mountains comfortable and safe to dwell in. He divided the lands between his two sons, but after his death they disputed what they were given and grew jealous of their brother, thus forming the two factions. They waged war upon each other to claim the holy city and rightfully rule what is theirs by birthright. Alas history repeats itself, after one faction wins the other is exiled to the colder mountains until they rise up and claim the holy city, again and again and again, for if historical records are to be believed 32 times but it may be more numerous than that as many old records have been lost to time.


the Cities of Aekeaf and Cukke.


The Sky Wardens protect the mountains from the beasts and monstrosities that dwell there and fight against the pirate raids and Trivin incursions.
More often than not though the Sky wardens Fight among themselves during the civil wars. there are two types of sky wardens even in times of "peace" the beaks and the wings. Ostensibly the beaks are the offence force and the wing is the defence but in actuality they just each support one faction or the other. they are each divided into a brigade with 5 battalions inside of a brigade, historically the brigade isn't at full strength often only with three battalions but they never advertise when they demilitarise.
Name Strength
Squad 3-8
Platoon 10-50
Company 100
Battalion 1000
Brigade 3000-5000
Geopolitical, Country
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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