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The Banished Gods

At first, from the void, came the shape...
...and the shape became the earth, ...
...and the earth became rich, ...
...and all of that, ...
...became disorder, ... unrest, ... captivity
...the disruption of perfect nothingness...
...and soon, that will all come to an end...

Screaming into existence with the birth of the universe, the Banished Gods are a manifestation of the unknowable nothingness that lies beyond known existence. The Gods are a force of insatiable disorder, chaos and agony. The Banished Gods are the antithesis of their own being, they manifest their powers in the inverse of what they desire the most, thrusting onto existence what they feel existence has ripped from them, as they slowly reach for the time of self imposed non-existence;

Lamenting God - Pandemonium - The God that seeks the peaceful order of nothingness
Dreaming God - Hastur - The God that seeks rest and the return to the ever dreaming realm
Longing God - Shadar - The God that seeks release from the mortal coil of existence

The Banished Gods are shocking and uncouth black beings with smooth, oily, whale-like surfaces, unpleasant horns that curved inward toward each other, bat-wings whose beating made no sound, ugly prehensile paws, and barbed tails that lashed needlessly and disquietingly.

To be a mortal touched by the power of the Banished Gods is to suffer an agonizing glimpse of eternal unreality, or gain unknown amounts of twisted power or both.
Religious, Pantheon

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