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The Hiddens

The Hiddens were originally made up of many small local groups of rangers all with similar goals or common teachers, but each group found themselves outnumbered, overpowered and outmaneuvered at all turns.
The many smaller groups decided to band together to form the Hiddens. A Consortium of Ranger Groups banding together to survive and thrive, all ranger groups tried banding together into one massive group but differences in styles and opinions were too great, so they divided into two groups, the Hiddens a combination of Gloom Stalkers, Fey Wanderers, Swarmkeepers and Beastmasters and their sibling organisation the Colossals.
They have an adversarial relationship with the Colossals but sometimes work together for a common goal.
The Hiddens try to not advertise themselves as they have a lot of soft power by their hard power is lacking.
The Hiddens specialise in stealth tactics and traversing through terrain they specialise in, their targets were often humanoid or normal-sized creatures often more natural beasts and monsters.

We Remain Hidden to Protect thoose who need it.

Founding Date
427 AWW
Social, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title


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