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The Order of the Hunter


The half-elf Norreak the Ghostslayer (founder)
  Norreak is a half elf that grew up during the unbreakable alliance and lived in the heartlands. He was an adventurer and would explore the world. But after a while, he discovered how much the demonic essence has affected the world and decided to do something about it. He wanted to experiment with a way to cleanse the essence so it can’t harm anyone. But instead, he discovered a way to harness the power and become what is known now as a blood hunter. He decided to use the power for good and to hunt beasts that are affected by the essence since it the power he gained naturally repealed it. But at an old age, he discovered he can’t clear up the essence in his lifetime. He decided to create an order and with the people, he gathered and imbued them with demonic essence so they too can fight. But the problem they faced was each person was different and could do different things. So he set up a way to discover how each essence type could affect the body and discovered 4 ways and made up those ways as squads.
Sprit-Slayer Squad
Lycan Squad
Mutant Squad
Profane Squad

Each squad specialised against different targets depending on the essence source.
Over the rest of his life, the squads would deal with situations based on the best of their abilities most suited. Until Norreak perished and the leaders of each squad decided to part ways and make up their own orders each with their own ideals and ways.

Modern Age

Order of the Sprite-Slayer:

  -south (hunts ghosts)
The order of the Sprite-Slayer resides around Dake’ ladak their main reason is because they use the sea to get to most islands and go north towards the wastelands where there is usually a high concentration of undead and ghosts.

Order of the Lycan:

-north (hunts were beasts)
The order of the Lycan resides in the understab. Their main targets are usually were beasts and made their headquarters there because it's the most concentrated area for were-beasts.

Order of the Mutant:

-west (mostly spread out everywhere) (hunters for hire)
The order of the Mutant usually resides in the west on the island Altar. They don’t have a target monster set in mind; they instead wander around Rondo and look for work to hunt creatures. Their main skill is the ability to adapt and research their targets before they deal with the creatures. recruitment is interesting as there are some adventures who become... unique through their adventures, they are then found or approached and ask to have their mutations stabilised through the orders techniques and experiences. A notable group of them are the Dhampirs, that are a race that is between worlds, they are neither dead nor alive, they don't fit in among the living nor the dead, but they often find comfort and community among the order.

Order of the Profane Soul:

-east (mostly spread out everywhere) (hunts demons)
The order of the Profane Soul resides in the wastelands. The area is usually high in demonic essence and possessions. They do wonder the world to destroy anything they deem demonic, no matter who or what is in their way.
  The Orders grew distant and distrustful with each other hunting on their own turfs only. The north and south like to keep to their own but the east and west are mostly competitive with each other and sometimes fight each other over disputes of contracts. Most of those contracts being demonic ones. Or over the Order of the Mutant's usage of Dhampirs.

We Bleed so Others Don't.

59 UBA - 106 UBA

Social, Activist
Alternative Names
Blood Hunters
Leader Title


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