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The Tyrants

The Tyrants came about after the Decimators were destroyed following the Forced Order Where Bane Gained Great Power and destroyed the Decimator Pantheon, there were casualties on the Tyrants side with only Loviatar surviving alongside bane. Mask joined after the Forced Order as he was Still unaligned and was feeling the pressure to join a Pantheon.

Mythology & Lore

The Myth of the Tyrants' Eclipse

  In the ancient times of Rondo, before the stars had names and the rivers sang their own songs, there existed an ethereal veil that separated the realms of the gods and mortals. The gods, mighty and inscrutable, watched over the lands, each wielding their power in balance. But among these deities were the Tyrants, a pantheon born from the ashes of a cosmic upheaval known as the Forced Order.   The central figure of the Tyrants was Bane, the God of Tyranny, whose iron fist sought to shape the world in his unyielding image. Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain, wove threads of suffering and agony, finding beauty in the cries of the afflicted. And Mask, the Lord of Shadows, danced in the twilight, manipulating events from behind his cloak of mystery.   The Tyrants' rise was marked by the legendary event known as the Tyrants' Eclipse. It was said that during this celestial phenomenon, the sky darkened, and the stars aligned in a pattern that mirrored the Tyrants' symbol. This event was interpreted as a divine sign, marking the beginning of a new era under their rule.   This period was characterized by a series of events that reshaped the landscape of Rondo. Bane's followers waged wars of conquest, spreading his doctrine of order through subjugation. Temples and monuments were erected in his honor, and his laws became the unchallenged codes of governance. Loviatar's cults reveled in the suffering caused by these conflicts, seeing in them the purest form of worship. And Mask, ever the enigmatic figure, orchestrated events from the shadows, ensuring the Tyrants' influence spread far and wide.   Yet, the Tyrants' Eclipse was more than a mere historical event; it was a myth that spoke to the hearts of the people. It symbolized the inevitable cycle of destruction and rebirth, the relentless march of time, and the enduring nature of power. The Tyrants, in their ruthless pursuit of dominance, became a metaphor for the unyielding forces of change that shape the world, for better or worse.

Divine Origins

the Tyrants emerged from the aftermath of the Forced Order, a cataclysmic event led by Bane, the God of Tyranny. This event resulted in the destruction of the Decimators, a previously dominant pantheon. Bane, alongside Loviatar, Goddess of Pain, and Mask, the Lord of Shadows, formed the core of this new pantheon. The Tyrants' origins are marked by their rise from destruction, signaling a new era of divine influence over Rondo, characterized by tyranny, pain, and deceit.


The ethics of the Tyrants' followers in Rondo revolve around principles of power, control, and endurance. Acts that demonstrate strength, inflict controlled suffering, or uphold strict order are considered pious. Conversely, showing mercy, weakness, or defiance against authority is seen as sinful. Followers are guided to seek power, be it through political, physical, or spiritual means, and to enforce the Tyrants' will without question. Their every action is governed by the tenet of advancing the Tyrants' influence and maintaining their dominion over others.


Worship in the religion of the Tyrants involves rituals and practices that reinforce their themes of power, control, and endurance. Regular worship might include reciting oaths of fealty, participating in disciplined martial exercises, or enduring trials of pain to demonstrate devotion. Rituals often involve symbolic acts that reflect the Tyrants' domains, such as burning effigies to signify Bane's tyranny, flagellation or other forms of controlled suffering for Loviatar, and clandestine ceremonies in darkness for Mask. These practices are integral to the everyday life of the faithful, serving as constant reminders of the Tyrants' power and teachings.


The priesthood serving the Tyrants in Rondo is a formidable and secretive order, guiding the faithful with an iron grip. These priests are typically chosen through rigorous and often brutal trials, designed to test their devotion, strength, and ability to endure pain and hardship. Their appointment is seen as a divine sanction from the Tyrants themselves.   Distinguished by their dark robes adorned with symbols of tyranny and pain, the priests of the Tyrants are both feared and revered. They often bear physical marks of their devotion, such as scars or tattoos, symbolizing their unyielding faith. Their role is not only to lead worship but also to enforce the harsh doctrines of the Tyrants, ensuring that their divine will is imposed upon the flock. The priesthood's influence extends beyond religious ceremonies, often permeating the political and social spheres of Rondo.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests and faithful of the Tyrants in Rondo are believed to be granted divine powers reflective of their deities' domains. These include abilities to inspire fear and impose control, manipulate shadows and illusions, and inflict or endure great pain. The exact nature of these powers varies, but they are typically used to assert dominance and maintain the Tyrants' rule. Such abilities are seen as both a reward for devotion and a tool for enforcing the Tyrants' will.


Within the faith of the Tyrants, several sects exist, each aligning more closely with one of the primary deities and interpreting their tenets in unique ways:   The Iron Hand of Bane: This sect emphasizes military might and strict adherence to order. They differ from the main dogma by focusing more on the expansion of Bane's influence through conquest and governance.   Loviatar's Circle of Sorrow: Followers in this sect are devoted to experiencing and inflicting pain in ritualistic ways, believing this brings them closer to Loviatar. They are more extreme in their practices compared to mainstream followers.   Shadow Weavers of Mask: This sect specializes in espionage and subterfuge, operating more covertly than other followers. They focus on manipulation and the gathering of information to further the Tyrants' goals.   The mainstream faith views these sects with a mix of respect and wariness, recognizing their devotion but remaining cautious of their extreme interpretations and methods.
Religious, Pantheon
Head of State

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