BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Wanderer

The Ilmater group The “Unbowed” traditions rumoured to date back to the domination of the Arcadia, which would make it a over 700 years old. It might actually come from a later date, though as it is speculated to that to before the Wishful Wars making it over 5000 years old. It might be given its confidence in the eventual overthrow of the tyrants.

He came in from the Wilderness, seeking out his purpose.

He looked upon the legions fighting against a throng of rapacious goblins. In close order; united in duty; hearts focused; a barrier between the weak and the cruel. Their swords were sharp and their discipline firm.

And He looked out over the battlefield when it was done. The soldiers tired and weary; the moans of the wounded; the tears for fallen comrades. He saw the victors losing a piece of their souls as they punished the vanquished. And He wept.

He came to the village, to look upon the people.

He saw the ordered arrays of farms, crops growing all in a line. The diligent peasants, serving faithfully; working hard. The officials inspecting well maintained roads, collecting taxes and ensuring order; in fealty to their master.

    And He saw the lean forms working in the fields, their bent backs and mean rations. Their slave fetters. He saw the mandate of service unbroken by the coming sickness; and full tax coffers and empty bellies even as the plague reaped its own harvest. He saw the loyalty in the eyes of the officials. And He wept.

He came to the tower, to view its master.

He looked upon his court, where a scale of decision hung by the throne. The master sat anointed: speaking this way to direct the people; speaking that way to punish the guilty. The master's stern voice directed to keep the peace; the master's cold heart governed by reason.

And He saw the supplicants brought in, humble and cowed, free men still yet still their spirits chained; their hearts fearful of reproach; their hopes and dreams all dependent upon the master's choice. And some of those brought in had chains on their body, too; they had refused the yoke, and to those, he saw the master's pitiless edict. They wept as they were dragged to the door, and so did He.

He went through the door.

And He looked out over the rods and whips, the screws and racks, the chains and shackles. The Maiden's casket; the Wheel. He smelt the fear in the air and saw the blood on the floor. And he said 'I know my enemy'.

  And they all learned chains could be broken.


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