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Demography and Population

Population: Goblin are spawned from the spawning pits in adult bodies, but they are a blank template and develop their personality over thor first 8 years. The goblin population growth is unsustainable therefore the goblins are always first to join into warfare around them always eager for loot.
Bugbear are know to sneak into your camp then go on a rampage killing everyone then eating them. They lost their wars against the goblins because when they killed the head shaman the lessor shamans would just attack relentlessly around so their usual tactics failed them.
Hobgoblins believe in war, they dream of its glory and glory in victory. they fought against the unending goblin hordes and could not cut enough goblins to end the hoard so rather than blunting their weapons they bent the knee to a superior foe, they are “loyal” to their masters but would prove their superiority if given the chance. They are also hoping their the goblins will break their oath so that they can strike off into the land to carve out their own faction once more.



The Understabs is home to several cities, each with its own unique character and culture. These cities are home to the goblin clans that make up the Understabs, as well as other subservient clans such as the bugbears and hobgoblins.

  One of the most notable cities in the Understabs is Vlurg, a bustling hub of trade and commerce. Located at the crossroads of several major trade routes, Vlurg is a melting pot of cultures and races, with merchants and traders from all over Rondo coming to sell their wares and conduct business. Despite its cosmopolitan nature, Vlurg is also known for its rough and lawless atmosphere, with factions and criminal organizations vying for control over the city's black market.

  Another major city in the Understabs is Krettin, a fortressed city known for its martial traditions and strict code of honor. Located on the border of the Understabs, Krettin serves as a major military hub, with a large garrison of soldiers and a formidable wall to defend against external threats. The city is also home to many skilled craftsmen and blacksmiths, who produce some of the finest weapons and armor in all of Rondo.

  Finally, there is Ixrie, a city known for its ancient ruins and rich history. Located near the spawning pits, Ixrie is home to many of the goblin shamans who serve on the council of elders, as well as a large number of scholars and researchers who study the ancient artifacts and ruins that can be found in the city's vicinity. Despite its peaceful reputation, Ixrie is also a center of political intrigue, with various factions vying for influence and power within the city's corridors of power.

  Overall, the cities of the Understabs are diverse and vibrant places, with each having its own unique character and culture. Despite the harsh and often violent nature of life in Rondo, these cities offer a sense of community and belonging for those who call them home.


The Understabs is home to several unique locations that are notable for their history, importance, or strange and mysterious nature.

One of the most prominent of these is the spawning pits, a place of unspeakable horrors that is used to produce new members of the goblin hordes. Located in the city of Ixrie, the spawning pits are a closely guarded secret, known only to the council of elders and the goblin shamans who serve on it. The exact workings of the spawning pits are unknown to all but a select few, and the mere mention of them is enough to strike fear into the hearts of most goblins.

Another unique location in the Understabs is the ancient ruins of Ixrie, a site of great historical and cultural importance. Located near the spawning pits, these ruins are home to many artifacts and relics from the ancient past, and are a center of study for scholars and researchers from all over Rondo. Despite their age, the ruins of Ixrie are still shrouded in mystery, and many secrets from the past are said to be waiting to be discovered within their crumbling walls.

Finally, there are the border fortresses of Krettin, a series of heavily fortified locations that serve as the first line of defense against external threats. Located along the border of the Understabs, these fortresses are home to large garrisons of soldiers who are trained and equipped to defend against invaders. The border fortresses of Krettin are a symbol of the Understabs' military might, and are feared and respected by all who encounter them.
Overall, the unique locations of the Understabs are diverse and varied, ranging from the horror-filled spawning pits to the ancient ruins of Ixrie to the heavily fortified border fortresses of Krettin. These locations are all integral to the history, culture, and way of life of the Understabs, and are central to the identity of this goblin-dominated faction.

We fight, we grow.

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Green Horde
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Legislative Body
The government of the Understabs is a council of elders, made up of goblin shamans and war chiefs. These leaders are responsible for governing the goblin-dominated faction and maintaining their power over the other clans and enclaves that fall under their control.

  The council of elders is focused on minimizing the number of intelligent goblins in their society, and they often send those who do not align with their goals to join raiding parties or participate in wars. The council is also responsible for the operation of the spawning pits, a unique location where new members of the goblin hordes are produced. However, the exact workings of the spawning pits are unknown to all but the council of elders.
In addition to their control over the goblin clans, the council of elders also holds sway over the bugbear and hobgoblin populations, which have become subservient to the goblins after losing the fourth great war. The hobgoblins are described as being "loyal" to their masters, but hoping for a chance to prove their superiority and break their oaths in order to carve out their own factions.

  Overall, the government of the Understabs is a harsh and authoritarian regime, focused on maintaining its power and control over its subjects. Those who do not align with the council of elders may face punishment or exclusion from society, and the use of the spawning pits to produce new members of the goblin hordes raises questions about the ethical and moral implications of their rule.
Official Languages


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