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The City of Vleeta is a more recent concept.
it has slowly expanded aver since Rothe Linhace Declared kingship alongside the other 22 petty kings, as he slowly crushed the other petty kings until only three remained, for now.
The city has expanded unto the city walls, and beyond, the city is growing ever larger in the growing war effort weapons and armour pour out of the blacksmiths like Molten steel.
the City Guard patrol the city keeping it safe, the Dragon Paladins Marching onward to defeat the enemies of the king.


Vleeta is an absolute monarchy with Roth Linhace being the lastest king to rule, going from a petty king in the wastelands to one of three main contenders for the newest Country in Rondo.

The Linhace Family

located in Vleeta
Royal colours of Blue White Silver
A long time ago, an ancestor of the Linhace family, Olbas had helped a Dragon in one of the old wars, he was a good man and because of this, his entire family line was granted magic...Many years later the family values become corrupted with a need for power as the state slowly becomes a dictatorship.


The city has thick walls that protect it from the False kings forces. Many balistas dot the walls with the Kings keep being inside of the city walls.
The Order of the Crown are one of the few modern magical armies comprised of Oath bound Paladins who swear oaths to king and country.
Founding Date
51 AGC
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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