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Azish Empire

The Azish Empire is an alliance of Makabaki nations which claim fealty to the Azish Prime Aqasix while, in reality, being mostly sovereign. However, Azir is the largest of the empire’s nations and holds a lot of political influence over the others.  


Azir is a scholarly republic ruled by the Prime who is chosen by the viziers (advisors) and scions (priests) based on essays written by the applicant viziers. The Azish people speak Azish and have their own writing system separate from the women’s script of the eastern nations. They worship the Heralds who they call the Kadasixes, especially Jezrien who is known as Yaezir the Kadasix of Kings. Their priests are not slaves like the Vorin ardents.
They don’t determine social status by eye color, but instead by education and position in the bureaucracy. A person’s position can be discerned by the clothes and patterns they wear. Azish clothes are often brightly colored with bold patterns. The nation’s large bureaucracy is open to any who can pass a written test, though those with privilege are more likely to do so.
Unlike in Vorin nations, the Azish don’t seem to separate roles by gender to the same degree. Both men and women can become viziers or scions. Women don’t have safehands. However, the Azish appear to have stricter morality around relationships.
Compared to the eastern nations, Azir is considered very organized and bureaucratic. Their military is not renowned for their strength. However, the Azish take pride in their system of bloodless transitions of power and often act respectful, seeking not to offend. The Azish capital Azimir has an Oathgate.


The Tashikki people of Tashikk are ethnically Makabaki. Lift thinks they’re too polite and reserved when she visits Yeddaw, a major city. Tashikk is ruled by a prince, though it has very close ties to Azir, from which it both lends and borrows military resources. Tashikki men and women often wear a single piece of cloth called a shiqua that wraps their entire body including the face. This is to shield their face from the evil god Nun Raylisi who probably represents Odium. Opposing him are Tashi and the Nine who represent the Heralds.
Tashikk is known abroad for its spanreed hubs and information trading which enable the flow of information across Roshar.


Yezier is another nation that is politically close to Azir. It is ruled by a princess who, vizier Noura notes, lives in Azimir half the year. Yezier is known for its fashion as well as its timekeepers and stormwardens.


Liafor is known across Roshar for its fashion. Adolin is often seen browsing Liaforan fashion folios which are tailored to their local audience. The nation is ruled by a prince and had a soulcaster that could transform things into smoke. The soulcaster was lost when Kaza, its bearer, failed to reach Aimia and transformed it and herself to smoke.


The nation of Emul is more independent of Azir than many others. The Emuli worship Jezrien who named their capital city of Sesemalex Dar and call him Prime Kadasix. The capital city is the subject of a feud with Tukar over its religious significance and importance as a port. The Emuli have been devastated by the war with Tukar and now the singer invasion from Marat.  

Marat and Tukar:

The nations of Marat and Tukar have both broken from the Azish Empire. West of Marat, women don’t cover their safehands. Marat is a tribal nation ruled by a highprince called “elder brother”. Marat is known for their fine artisans and craft.    Tukar is a theocracy under the rule of their god-priest Tezim who is actually the Herald Ishar. Ishar is probably not of sound mind and this has led other nations to think of the Tukari as volatile. As mentioned, Tukar has been at war with Emul for generations.
Geopolitical, Empire


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